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Yeah, yeah, Gambit is dead and Bungie has given up on it but its not the lost cause that it's been painted as. It's main problems were how bad it felt to fight invaders and the lack of content. IMO invaders aren't as crazy powerful as they used to be and feel relatively fair now, and its the lack of content was the killing blow to Gambit. Bungie removed half it's maps and stopped updating it and wonders why everyone gave up on it.

BUT I'll say this, playing Gambit occasionally for seasonal challenges has be refreshing. The mode has it's fun moments, and feels like the final tweaks Bungie gave it landed to create a good foundation for the mode. It still gets old fast because it has no variety but that's where the solution comes in.

An occasional new map, updating the blockers with the new Taken from Heresy, updating Fallen and Vex with Brigs and Wyverns respectively and adding the Dread as a faction to fight would all breath a lot of life into Gambit. It's probably too much to ask since Bungie's Destiny team is smaller than it's been in a long time, but a new map once a year, plus a blocker refresh would go a long way (after they implement the changes listed above).

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about 1 month ago - /u/Destiny2Team - Direct link

If you could change one thing about Gambit, what would it be?

Heavy ammo? Invader spawns? Bosses?

We've been collecting feedback over the years, and fully acknowledge the lack of big updates. While we don't have any major shakeups to talk about, the more feedback we get, the better.

Many thanks.