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Despite the games issues right now I think most of us can agree this is probably the best pvw balancing/meta we've seen in quite a while. We're seeing nearly all weapon types being used. Even swords are being reworked for next season. Whilst there's some basis for arguing the artifact is forcing us to use weapons we don't want to the fact that we run endgame content using these weapons goes to show their viability. We're seeing scouts, pulses, one 2 punch shotguns, snipers, sidearms, smgs, lmg's and nade launchers all as viable endgame options. Honestly all that's left is Rocket launchers. Since the autoreload nerf the one use launchers had (riven cheese) is no longer viable. It's a shame to see an entire weapon type be neglected as they have.

While we're on the topic of pve balance I'll just throw out the idea of slight auto rifle buffs, reverting the trench barrel nerf and having a look at fusion rifles too. Fusions had a brief surge of use at the start of this season due to the scavenger bug so I don't think we're far off. Might just be a case of too little ammo? 1kv comes to mind with its 7 ammo capacity.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I'll pass along feedback that you would like to see Rocket Launchers changed in a future update. Feel free to share what you think could be improved with them.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by HyperionGrimm

Small bump in damage, larger magazine, more interesting perks like clown cartridge, tripod, proximity detonation, etc. That's pretty much all they need to be viable.

Thanks, ill share this around.