over 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

I've never printed anything from thingiverse before, but I feel compelled to do so with the lack of lanyard or tripod mount on the Osmo pocket itself - and the fact that the official accessory mount covers up the connection port.

I've been looking at these, but I'm hesitant to go hunt down a way to get these printed and try them out without some more info:

Accessory mount that doesn't block the port: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3313142

Lanyard mount: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3331900

I see that there's several thickness variations of each. Anyone here tried them? How did it work for you? Would you recommend it, and what thickness/materials did you use?

Were there any others out there that you tried and would recommend?

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