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Title. I'm not saying you should expose your employees to people who might actually harm them. As someone who has been threatened (and actually almost attacked) at the workplace, I completely understand where you guys are coming from. That said, it would be beneficial for everyone if you used the account more than you currently do, whether it's actually a response to specific feedback tweets/posts every now and then or responses that explain why certain things are unfeasible (so you can receive less feedback that you can't do anything with) or whatever... I just think it'd be better for everyone.

EDIT: I saw some of the replies (including the Bungie replies) and I just wanna point out a few things. 1. The harassment is unacceptable. I am not without empathy and I do understand that Bungie is trying to protect their employees. 2. Bungie did reply with some clarifications and a suggestion to use their own forums (not that they'll always reply, but they might), which is actually what I'm more likely to do, at least for a bit. 3. Bungie... I'm happy you took the time to reply. I really am. At the same time , I'm scared. With how Lightfall went, I feel like this isn't the best time to engage less. However, I completely understand trying to keep your employees safe. I just hope Bungie finds a way to make things work for the game and their employees.

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about 1 year ago - /u/BNGHelp - Direct link

Appreciate the feedback.

Unfortunately, devs who aren’t even CMs are still being harassed just because they work at Bungie, so using the CM account on Reddit will put a bigger target on all of the CM’s backs.

I completely understand the want to go back to how we used to respond all the time here, but that time has passed. Until everyone can feel safe again, I wouldn’t expect to see many responses from us here for the foreseeable future.

However, just because we aren’t responding often doesn’t mean we aren’t still looking at feedback. As a legend once said, “we’re listening,” and while we can’t always act on the feedback, we do share it with stakeholders every single week. So please, keep it coming.

You may find us responding more on our own Help forums, so please report any issues to us there.

about 1 year ago - /u/BNGHelp - Direct link

Originally posted by OldKingWhiter

The vast majority of the working population gets harassed. I have been harassed and had death threats, so I appreciate how unpleasant such things are. People aren't being harassed because they work at Bungie, they're being harassed because there are lunatics in the public who will harass companies and workers regardless of the company and the industry.

No one deserves it, but its just part of life in this f**ked up internet age we live in. Basing your PR strategy on the actions of 0.1% worst actors is strange to me, and I can't imagine many other industries acting this way.

We don’t accept that being harassed is “just part of life.” This kind of mindset is unhealthy, and we aren’t going to put ourselves in danger for a video game, much less Reddit.