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14,000 Glimmer

  • Something we get from literally everything we do. Why is this a level up reward?

25 Shards

  • Good amount of shards, but this is one of the easiest currencies to obtain


  • This one is a mega WTF. We literally get dozens of these through regular gameplay. Why would a level up give one of these too?

Raid Banners

  • Look, we already get glimmer and shards from the pass. If we wanted raid banners we buy these ourselves. This isnt even something that RNG drops, it's a guarantee if we want it we get it.

We all can use more of:

  • Ascendant Shards. Way too rare especially for PvP players. Design now forces us to run 980 Ordeals which is more of the same old strikes
  • Enhancement Prisms. Same as above
  • Bright Dust. Enough said
  • Cosmetics. Last season we got a ship. This season we get a ghost sell. Too much to ask for a ship, sparrow and shell all in the same pass?
  • More EV Engrams. With what we used to get before which contained NEW stuff, along with current seasons only having old stuff and excessive amounts of repeat items, no reason not to give more of these to actually get things we dont have
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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. This is our second stab at the reward structure of the pass and we are definitely looking to continue to improve it season over season. Feel free to add any suggestions on what things you would like to see as rewards in the pass and what you don't want to see.