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Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_02_13_2025

This Week in Destiny, we have a new Exotic mission available. Have you completed it yet? If you are still focusing on the dungeon that launched on Friday, completing Expert runs of The Nether, or trying to get some of the new PvP, Vanguard, or Gambit weapons, who can blame you? There's a lot to do! With that in mind, we'll try not to take much of your time with today's topics.

  • Dungeon Race completed
  • Our latest Exotic mission is available
  • The Trials of Osiris revamp is here
  • Iron Banner is back next week
  • Important update regarding account linking
  • Have you tried the new Holochips?
  • Take a look at our next Bungie Rewards
  • More #D2FashionFeedback
  • Black History Month is here
  • Another successful Game2Give ##Congratulations, Champions

What an amazing feat! The first team to reach the last encounter was also the team that won the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Race. Congratulations one more time to Biggz, Mariomonkey, and luigistyle; watching you three get the win was incredible. Your names shall forever be remembered among the Destiny community, and you will be rewarded for your feat with a unique trophy.

For the rest of the players that played during the weekend, you are amazing! Contest Mode is no joke and whether you completed the dungeon or not, you should be incredibly proud of your achievements. For those who just waited to play in normal mode, we hope you are enjoying the dungeon and come back to discover more secrets for the next few weeks..

For those who want to keep challenging themselves, Master difficulty is now available. You can also complete it solo and flawlessly. We heard Bolt Charge is helping a lot with DPS, that Anarchy is working like a charm and that The Queenbreaker meta is full-on.

Sundered Doctrine Contest Mode Extension

Due to issues affecting PlayStation players' ability to sign in to Destiny 2, we are planning to make the Sundered Doctrine Contest Mode available again for all platforms. Specific dates and times will be announced at a later date. Note that this is not an extension of the Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Race, but rather an additional opportunity for those impacted by the outage to attempt a clear of the dungeon while Contest Mode was available.

New Exotic Wheel-pon Available

Our next Exotic mission has been found. A powerful weapon hidden within the Dreadnaught has awakened and could shed some light on what power is behind the Taken. We'll have to dig deeper into Derealize to find out.

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You are already familiar with the reward, the odd-but-amazing-looking Barrow-Dyad. This new Exotic Strand Submachine Gun creates large amounts of blight when hitting more than three different targets. While not firing, blight depletes, but the magazine is refilled quite fast. Reloading it, though, will transform any stored blight into seekers that bore through targets.

We are not exposing any of the contents of the mission, so we will just add that while you can right now unlock four of its intrinsic bonuses, its catalysts will be available in future updates.

The New Trials of Osiris Arrives Tomorrow

Tomorrow, a new chapter begins for Trials of Osiris. This is our biggest update to the game mode since it was brought back to Destiny 2. Matchmaking has been tuned, passages work in a totally different way, and the rewards you get are linked more to your wins than to going flawless. We can't wait to hear your feedback about it!

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If you want to refresh how Trials of Osiris is changing, you can read all about it here.

Iron Banner is Back Next Week

Along with increased Crucible reputation gains, next week will see the return of the Iron Banner. Remember that Saladin has changed schedules and moved his traditional PvP event from the two weeks that it was during the last two Episodes to the previous one-week duration. A good reminder if you are on the hunt for the armor sets we introduced during Revenant or if you want to get the new weapons available.

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First, we have a new contender, an Adaptive Frame Arc Trace Rifle called Warlord's Spear with perk combos for PvE as interesting as Rewind Rounds and Detonator Beam. For PvP, don't sleep on Dynamic Sway Reduction and Desperate Measures.

The other new reward is a reprised Peacebond, the Adaptive Frame Stasis Sidearm. Zen Moment and Desperado make a great combo for PvP, although others might be more interested in Lone Wolf and Headseeker. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

If you are busy this week and can't play Iron Banner much, don't worry. It will be back several more times during the Episode, the very next one being April 1.

Bungie.net Account Unlinking Update

We have an important update regarding account linking on Bungie.net. For a time now, we have allowed players to link multiple authentication methods to a single Bungie.net profile. We will continue to allow linking accounts in this manner, but we are taking away the option to unlink an account once it's been linked to your Bungie ID. The only exception will be Twitch.

While we don't have a specific date yet for when this change will be implemented, our goal is to enforce it before the end of March, so we wanted everyone to know with enough time beforehand. Our goal is to protect the integrity of our players' accounts, simplify certain security systems, prevent fraud, and limit activities that go against our Terms of Service.

Love is in the air

This week, we introduced a new cosmetic category called Holochips. When activated, Holochips will add a visual effect such as energy trails or holographic wings to your Guardian. They’ll add an extra flair to your fashion, but they won't impact gameplay. Similarly, they’ll be hidden when you enter combat to avoid adding visual noise during tense firefights.

Our first Holochip is available in Eververse right now in the form of a lovely trail of hearts. You can head to the store and claim one for free. Once consumed, Holochips are active for the next 12 real-world hours. If you want to end the effect early, there’s a Holochip Extractor available in Collections.

Players who want to unlock the effect permanently can purchase the Holochip design for 800 Silver. When you do, that Holochip will become available in collections and can be claimed at any time for free.

More Bungie Rewards

Our talented friends in the Consumer Products team can't stop producing amazing Bungie Rewards, so we couldn't wait to share them with you! For starters, the Exotic Armory Collection: Barrow-Dyad is now available to players who have completed the Derealize Mission and earned the Chosen Path Triumph by 9:59 AM PDT 5/6/2025 to earn this Bungie Rewards offer.

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Additionally, to celebrate the revamp of Trials of Osiris, as well as its first weekend available in Heresy, we are launching this week a new Trials of Osiris Ring. To unlock this Bungie Rewards, players must complete the Lighthouse Passage in Trials of Osiris by 9:59 AM PDT 5/6/2025 to earn this Bungie Rewards offer.

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We are also adding three new items to our apparel collections. Keep cozy with a Daito-themed anorak or sweatshirt. Or consider wearing the (many) face(s) of the Witness emblazoned across your chest with a new knit sweater.

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Last but certainly not least, we are launching the Art of Destiny Vol. 3. Spanning from the Curse of Osiris to the Final Shape, this art book, lovingly curated by the Art Directors of Destiny 2, showcases beautiful concept art, key art, and an amazing in-depth look into the stunning visual world of Destiny 2.

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We Want More #D2FashionFeedback!

We really enjoy hearing your opinions and we are always listening! So, we are pulling back the curtains on future content once again to hear your thoughts about the themes for armor below. What do you think about them? Let us know with the #D2FashionFeedback hashtag on your social media platform of choice.



We also wanted to share something else with you all as a fun treat. Because it's very cool, but also because you won't shut up stop asking for it. Here is the first ever Ornament for Verity's Brow that's coming during Codename: Frontiers, with less bones, but more lasers.

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Celebrate Black History Month with Us

Happy Black History Month! The Black@Bungie Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Association is celebrating the occasion with the Be Heard emblem. We are excited to support the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit organization fighting for social justice by strengthening voting rights, empowering Black communities, and ending economic inequality.

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In honor of Black History Month, everyone that makes a $10 donation to the Southern Poverty Law Center through the Bungie Foundation campaign will earn the Be Heard emblem for Destiny 2. Through February 28, 2025, all net proceeds* will go to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

*Minus Tiltify and payment processing fees.

Thank You for Supporting Game2Give

Another year, another incredibly successful edition of Game2Give! Thank you to all the Guardians that have helped us beat our 2 million dollars goal and reach the mindblowing number of $2,753,931.26.

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This could not have been possible without your donations, your fundraising campaigns, your many social media posts, and without the help of the more than 200 content creators that have worked tirelessly on bringing attention to our causes.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Player Support Report

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Known Issues List | Help Forums | Bungie Help Twitter

Heretical Halation Emblem Availability

The Heretical Halation emblem is showing a placeholder asset instead of its final art. This will be fixed in a future update. Additionally, last week we updated the dates and times for this Twitch emblem that we initially announced on the 1/31 TWID. To help avoid issues that can occur with overlapping Twitch Drops, we changed Heretical Halation campaign to the following:

  • New Twitch sub drop for all opted-in Twitch channels streaming Destiny 2 between February 11, 9:00AM – March 4, 8:59AM PT.
  • Subscribe or gift a sub on Twitch to your favorite opted-in Destiny 2 streamer. ###Known Issues List

The Nether

  • Sometimes the Tome of Want: A Primer quest does not progress after meeting Step 3 and Step 4 requirements.
  • The Bolt Charge boon description should say, "At maximum charge, any ability damage generates a powerful bolt of Arc lighting at the target's location."
  • Several lines in each language for Memory of Savathûn, Memory of Oryx, and Memory of Xivu are cut off or not played at all.

Sundered Doctrine

  • When damaging shrieker bosses, players receive critical damage feedback, but damage is actually regular base damage.
  • When tracking Ikora's Drowning Labyrinth quest, completion of certain steps may stop progress on the next steps.
  • Upon a player reaching the rally banner for the second boss, previous areas will become soft kill volumes, which may kill teammates who are behind.


  • The On Point gilded Triumph's description strings mentions Stasis, but it should say Strand.
  • The Hunter Arc Aspect Ascension depletes all Super energy when used during a roaming Super.
  • The On the Prowl Hunter Aspect currently grants a small chunk of ability energy over the seven-second duration of each stack instead of all at once.
  • The Ascension Hunter Aspect drains all Super energy if used while in a roaming Super and doesn’t work with certain mods and Exotic armors.
  • The Storm’s Keep Titan Aspect does not synergize with Arbor Warden.
  • The Volatile Marksman artifact mod is restoring class ability energy too quickly.
  • The Ionic Sentry Arc Warlock Aspect does not synergize properly with Exotics and other parts of the Arc subclass.


  • Class-specific weapons (Swords & Exotic Glaives) can be used with any class. This is not intended.
  • The new competitive weapon, Redrix's Estoc, can only be earned once in the first week when doing placement matches.
  • Crafted Vault of Glass weapons incorrectly allow Deepsight Harmonizers to be used.
  • The Fatebringer (Timelost) doesn't have a socket for mementos.
  • The Discord and Harmony perks count down before the player switches to the necessary weapon.


  • The Stoicism "Heart's Pledge" ornament doesn't show cloth on the feminine body type.
  • The Tempest Strike Hunter Aspect does not activate Nightmare Fuel Perk on Sealed Ahamkara Grasps.
  • Blight Ranger's Exotic perk, Voltaic Mirror, does not trigger Bolt Charge when cancelled.
  • Memento Shaders can be previewed on armor in the Armor Management screen. This is not intended, and Mementos aren't being considered for use on armor.


  • Grandmaster Triumphs reference a previous Episode.
  • Ammo bricks give less ammo than intended.

For a complete list of issues, please go here.

The Rat who Loved the Moon

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How could he not? She's made of cheese.

Drifter, By Gem.Eris, by Gem.

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Aren't You a Bit Short for a Titan?

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Not only does this video have background Scorgan music, but it's a great representation of what our latest collab is all about: friends having fun and Titans missing their shots. Why are you booing me? Hey, no hammer throws! Oh, you also missed.


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The Force is strong with this one, too. Do Swords drop with High Ground as a perk? Asking for a friend.


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We hope you are enjoying the challenges in front of you during these first weeks of Heresy. There's plenty of time to go through everything, just gather your friends, put on your best builds, and get on with them. Remember: you are Cayde's favorites, saviors of Sol, scourge of the Hive Pantheon, wielders of Light and Darkness and, overall, a quite intimidating group...

Thank the Traveler you are o

n our side!

Destiny 2 Community Team

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about 1 month ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by Cardzfan5

I am not sure I understand the account unlinking change. Surely implementing some sort of multi-day restriction on linking/unlinking accounts would be a better solution?

Unlinking has been a significant vector for abuse for years. We have tried to combat it, and its existence has restricted what we can do. We don't really want to have to turn it off and went through multiple iterations to try and find a different path, but unlinking is only really okay security wise when attached to "social" accounts like Twitch.