Original Post — Direct link

Graviton Forfeit was supposed to only be nerfed in PvP related activities per the patch notes:

“Reduced melee recharge while invisible and wearing Graviton Forfeit when in PvP activities, including Crucible and Gambit.”

But it was also nerfed in PvE, presumably by mistake:

Graviton melee regen nerfed in PvE

The first half shows the current ( state of Graviton. My melee recharged a little over 50% while sitting in stealth for 14 seconds. The second half shows a clip from before this patch where my melee recharged by nearly 100% over the same period of time (Note: I also picked up one void well after the kill, but this is the clearest clip I could find pre

Please stop nerfing hunters in PvE due to PvP. I understand that this was probably by mistake, but PvP affecting PvE is getting old.

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by SomeRandomDude004

They have not been on record saying it was a mistake. They have not said anything at all about it. u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 can we get literally anything at all from you guys? At least acknowledge what were are saying. Is it a bug or is it intentional and that info was left out of the twab.

Thanks for the report. Sorry we haven’t responded yet as I didn’t see this until now and it’s Saturday. We will make sure this is being investigated on Monday.