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Starting a couple weeks ago, threads have been popping up on the Destiny forums about D1 accounts disappearing to Tapir errors (account not found). Here is one example. The error codes support forum usually has one or two submissions on the first page. Bungie has replied to a handful of the posts that they are actively investigating, but haven't responded to any pleas for more information.

The common factor appears to be enabling cross-save. I have a suspicion that the problem is affecting a significant number of accounts, but few of them have realized it.

It's remarkable that accounts with hundreds, if not thousands of hours of investment have seemingly disappeared in a game that is still being sold on the PSN store.

A quick way to check whether your account still exists, is to log in to DIM, and switch from D2 to D1. If the account has disappeared, DIM will return an error message that begins "No account was found...”.

Edit: Thank you for the platinum, kind stranger!

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We checked on this. The affected Destiny 1 accounts are not lost and we are investigating why they are currently not available for some players who are seeing Tapir errors.