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With the recent mods changes hunters can (and most of them are) get their dodge back stupidly fast. Top tree tether makes you go invisible when dodging. Now just imagine a guy literally going invis every time his dodge is up. He’s not showing up on the radar at all, he’s invis so obviously it’s hard to spot him etc. Now tell me how is that not broken in PvP? Either change the way mods effect the cool down for the dodge or make the invis effect work like being crouched (you show in the radar every 3 seconds). The current situation is unbearable. 90% of the comp playlist are invis hunters running around with shotguns or sidearms.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I've always played invis builds since the beginning of Destiny. Remember when all you had to do was crouch for a few seconds as a Blade Dancer?

I'll definitely pass along everyone's feedback. Seems like there are players voicing opinions on both sides of the argument and bringing up that giving up a super with a lot of slaying potential is a big tradeoff.