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This Week At Bungie, we’re streaming… for the kids!
Hello there. If you’re reading this right at the moment of publication, then congratulations. You’ve just hit the $100k benchmark for our slot on the GCX stream! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let’s break it down.
Between 9 AM and 1 PM PDT today, we’re live on the GCX Marathon Charity Stream, raising funds for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to help support children in need. Your donations help families around the world by contributing to the research and treatment of cancer. While you can take pride in helping by donating a few dollars, we also have a variety of incentives to provide some additional motivations.

If you haven’t donated, this is your chance! And if you missed our live stream, no worries – this initiative is being supported by many in the gaming community. Jump in and check it out.

Another Patch in the Pipe

This week has been a pretty active one in terms of patches. On Monday, a change was made to require players to re-queue for Forges in hopes of removing idle players from the activity. Tuesday, we had some fixes go live for energy and Umbral Engrams. Today, Hotfix went live with fixes to Sprint Cancelling, the Lighthouse, and more. But we aren’t done yet.
Hotfix is planned for next week. We’re in the process of finishing up some testing passes, but here are a few things you can expect:

  • Fixes targeting controller remapping.
      • Issue where double-tapping buttons sometimes does not trigger Dodge or other abilities.
      • Issues where weapons don’t fire when pulling a trigger.
      • Issue where Stormtrance would sometimes not function.
  • Fixes an issue where Witherhoard deals excessive amounts of damage to various bosses.
  • Fixes an issue where solo completion of the Prophecy dungeon does not unlock the associated Triumph.
  • Fixes an issue where various reward sources are dropping at 750 Power, rather than at the Guardian’s Power Level.
  • Fixes an issue where the Tommy’s Matchbook Catalyst quest was removed from player inventory.

We have a laundry list of other issues that the team is currently investigating. Our next update is planned for early July, so stay tuned for another Patch Note Preview in the coming weeks.

Beyond Light Pre-Order Bonuses

Alongside Season of Arrivals, we announced Destiny 2: Beyond Light! At the kickoff, we saw some confusion on pre-order bonuses, so we’d like to take a moment to set the record straight.
  • When pre-ordering Destiny 2: Beyond Light, players will be granted access to multiple in-game bonuses.
      • All Editions
          • Exotic Rimed Ghost Shell
          • Legendary Emblem
      • Deluxe and Collector's Edition
          • Exotic Freeze Tag Emote

  • These items are available at Master Rahool in the Tower after you have placed your pre-order.
      • If you pre-order the Collector’s Edition through the Bungie Store, a code for these pre-order incentives will be emailed to you within 24 to 48 hours.
      • If you pre-order any edition through Xbox, please be sure to download the “Destiny 2: Beyond Light Pre-Order Pack” and “Destiny 2: Beyond Light Exotic Emote” packages prior to signing in to Destiny 2.
          • Pre-order items will not be available until this is installed.
          • You may need to close the game application and relaunch if these items are not available after installing the above mentioned packages.
      • Destiny 2: Beyond Light should become available on PlayStation later today (June 18). Stay tuned to @Bungie for updates!

For all information regarding Destiny 2: Beyond Light pre-orders, head over to this Help Article. Additionally, if you’re having any issues pre-ordering through our platform partners, be sure to contact their support resources as well.

Farmers Market

You may see Player Support team members on the #Help forums frequently, but they’re constantly fighting the good fight behind the scenes. Since well before launch, they’ve been helping the teams triage issues, representing your voices in the meetings that matter most. This last week has been no different, as they’ve been tackling each newly discovered issue from Season of Arrivals.
This is their report.

Earlier this week, we implemented a change to the Forge activity where players now return to orbit after completing the activity. This change was implemented after seeing a large amount of players entering the activity and being inactive, ruining the experience for other players.

In our May 14 TWAB we announced that gear would begin to have a Max Power Level starting in Season of Arrivals, but that weapons and armor from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids would be granted exceptions. Currently, this gear doesn’t indicate that, but it will in a future update. Both armor and weapons from Last Wish and Garden of Salvation will be updated retroactively with the Season of Arrivals watermark and will have a Season 14 Max Power Level.
Additionally, all armor from all other Destiny 2 raids will be updated retroactively with the Season of Arrivals watermark and will have a Season 14 Max Power Level.
Players can read more about Max Power Levels in our Help article.

Players who purchased the Season of Arrivals Silver and Emote Bundle will find their Emote in the inventory pages of Master Rahool, the Cryptarch, in the Tower Courtyard.
Players who pre-ordered Destiny 2: Beyond Light will also find their items in Rahool’s inventory pages.

On Tuesday, we issued a server-side fix to resolve a few issues:
      • Players weren't receiving the appropriate amount of Twisted Energy after unlocking Umbral Enhancement II.
      • Focused Umbral Engrams could sometimes decrypt at higher Power than intended.

Earlier today, we released Hotfix This hotfix included the following resolved issues:
      • Sprinting on a controller would cancel if clicked again. 
          • We are still investigating other controller remapping issues and have listed them in this thread.
      • Prime Engrams were rewarding Warlocks with Hunter armor.
      • Umbral Engrams couldn’t be removed if a player had a full inventory but had completed the Season of Arrivals introduction quest. Players in this state can now remove these engrams.

Next Tuesday, we will release Hotfix More details will be provided soon.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
      • Grenade Launchers may be causing crashes when used in the Crucible.
      • Console players may experience blacked out emblems, invisible ships, and a Power Level of 0 in orbit. To resolve this issue, click here and follow the directions.
      • The Almost Mighty Exotic Ghost Shell and the Saint's Vocation Exotic ship appear invisible.
      • Some players are unable to accept the weekly "Means to an End" quest from the Prismatic Recaster.
      • The "Nascent Dawn 1/5" quest step can't be completed because the Sleeper Node at CB.NAV/RUN.()Dynamo.Approach.Arch is missing.
      • The “Become Legend” quest step to reach 950 Power doesn't update when players reach 950 Power. This will update when players reach 1000 Power.
      • The Tommy's Matchbook Catalyst quest has been removed from player inventories.
      • The "Upgrade Gift Ranks" Triumph doesn't track gift ranks purchased at the Prismatic Recaster.
      • The "Prophecy Dungeon Solo" Triumph doesn't unlock when players solo the Prophecy dungeon.
      • The "Contact: Heavy Hitters" Triumph doesn't accurately update when the appropriate Taken boss killed.

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Tuning In

If I had a dollar for every time my Guardians have fallen to the Architects, I’d have no less than two thousand of them. This week’s winner has been keeping track of some hilarious defeats. Take a moment and be thankful that you aren’t them.
Movie of the Week: Guardian Down

Honorable Mention: More Metal Covers

If you’re hunting a MOTW emblem, make sure to submit your video to the Creations Page on Link the accounts of anyone who helped in the video description, or we won’t know where to send your prize!

Thanks for stopping by for another week of Destiny 2 and Bungie news. Releasing TWAB’s early is always a fun time, especially when raising money for charity on the GCX stream. By the time you’re reading this, DeeJ and Nicole may have had a few lore readings. I may have eaten a piece of bread or two. Cozmo may have lost his mind, again. Who knows, maybe we’ve already unveiled some Destiny 2: Beyond Light concept art. Either way, it’s all for the kids. 
Oh, and before we forget! If you all somehow reach 500 thousand dollars in donations, Cozmo and I are going to get matching tattoos. I have no doubts you have it in you, but will you hit the mark within our four hour block? You've been challenged in the ways of old.
See you in chat.
Cheers, -Dmg04