over 4 years ago - dmg04 - Direct link
This week at Bungie, we are extending Season of Arrivals.

The launch date for our next expansion, Destiny 2: Beyond Light, has been moved to November 10, 2020. If you missed the full announcement, you can check it out here. We’ll wait until you’ve given it a read…
… Up to speed? While we’re sad to keep the secrets of Europa under wraps for a few extra weeks, our dev team is putting in the work to deliver an adventure that is worthy of your bravery. Doing that work from our homes finds us very far away from our usual ideal of working together in a studio – currently still quarantined. So we’re taking the time we need to do it right under the most challenging of conditions.
With the extra time between September and November, we have some plans to make the most of the suddenly longer Season.

  • Moments of Triumph will be extended to November 10, 2020. Cutting it close on some of those tougher Triumphs? Here’s a little extra time to finish them off.
  • The show must go on: Festival of the Lost will now take place during Season of Arrivals, beginning on October 6.
  • We’re planning a handful of ritual activity modifiers to look forward to:
      • Increased Valor
      • Increased Infamy
      • Increased [REDACTED]
      • A few additional Iron Banner events between September and November.
  • And more…

We know that no amount of extra Infamy or Valor will keep your hunger satiated, but we will have a few more surprises to share on the road to launch. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, the pages that appeared on the day we revealed Beyond Light have been updated with all of the new and relevant information. Bookmark ‘em or pass ‘em along to your friends. Some in-game UI elements will not reflect the new launch date until a future update.

Maybe We Are Conquerors

Contrary to what Zavala believes, many among you became Conquerors last Season with the introduction of Grandmaster difficulty Nightfalls. Even though we turned the challenge up to 11, you were able to smash through the ranks of enemy combatants and earn your prize.

While this Season will follow the same flow, completing all available Nightfalls on Grandmaster difficulty to earn the Conqueror title, we made some adjustments to activity rewards to make things feel a bit more fruitful.
As a refresher, here are some patch notes from Destiny 2 Update 2.9.0:
  • Nightfall: The Ordeal
      • Increase Masterwork material drops for Grandmaster Nightfall difficulty.
      • Grandmaster completion at Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels now have higher chances of dropping an Exotic armor item.
      • Grandmaster completion at Platinum level now guarantees one Ascendant Shard (with a small chance at one additional), and four Enhancement Prisms (with a moderate chance at 1-2 additional).
      • Grandmaster completion at Gold level now guarantees two Enhancement Prisms (with a moderate chance at two additional).
      • Grandmaster completion at Silver level now has a small chance at two Enhancement Prisms.

So, if you’re on the hunt for that perfectly rolled Exotic armor piece, or if you’re trying to fully masterwork as many armor pieces as possible, it’s almost time to put your skills to the test. Slay the Darkness, claim your loot.
Grandmaster difficulty becomes available on Tuesday, July 21, at 10 AM PT.

Farming With Dogs

Last week was pretty crazy. Bungie Day brought an update to Destiny 2, unlocking a new Exotic quest, new Umbral Engrams, and more. Five raids also entered “featured” status, losing their weekly loot lockouts. In other words, players can play the featured raids multiple times a week to grind out high-stat armor and raid Exotics that they may not have earned yet! If you’ve been taking a swing at the Moments of Triumph objectives this year, you may have also noticed that the Contender’s Ghost Shell from Prestige Leviathan has become available through a Triumph.

In the last few days, an issue came to light that the Contender’s Shell perks also lost their loot lockouts. Combined with some raid encounters that could be completed in under five minutes, this led to an incredibly quick way to earn Bright Engrams, which further increased Legendary Shard and Glimmer earn rates.
As such, the Seeker of Brilliance perk has been temporarily disabled. Our current goal is to have a hotfix in early August that adds the weekly lockout back to this specific perk. Once we have more information on an expected patch date, we’ll let you know via @BungieHelp on Twitter.
As a note, the Seeker of Opulence perk remains active. If you’re looking to round out your Exotic collections or earn better rolls on Exotic armor, equip this Ghost Shell before jumping into Leviathan raids!

Continued Support

Earlier this week, Destiny 2 Hotfix was released, addressing a collection of issues that impacted controller inputs and general gameplay. The Player Support team has a quick list of high-frequency issues that were resolved, and a collection of other bugs that we’re tracking.
This is their report.
As announced previously, the new release date for Beyond Light will be November 10, 2020. With this change, the end dates for Season of the Arrivals and Moments of Triumph have also been moved to November 10, 2020 at the weekly reset. The implementation of related systems, such as the moving of certain activities to the Destiny Content Vault and the effect of Max Power Level through Infusion, have also been pushed back.

On Tuesday, July 14, we released Hotfix to players. This hotfix included the following resolved issues:
      • Witherhoard’s projectiles appeared randomly on screen when using abilities or when stowed away.
      • The reassigned Interact button didn’t revive players on custom controller scheme.
      • When Glide Jump cancelling, Warlocks and Titans auto-jumped after landing.
      • Hunters kneeled after dodging when using Hold Crouch, but stood when using Toggle Crouch.
      • The Fencing Salute Emote allowed players to get out of the environment.
      • The Emissary Whisperer Triumph has been removed.
      • Players could get stuck in the Prophecy Dungeon’s hallway between the Wasteland and Hexahedron areas.

While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
      • The Contender’s Ghost Shell’s “Seeker of Brilliance” perk has been temporarily disabled.
      • Some players can’t progress the “Means to an End” quest. While we continue our investigation, players can progress this quest by using an alternate character or joining another player who has already started the mission.
      • Players who didn’t claim the reward for completing the “Means to an End” quest in one previous week will be locked out from acquiring and completing it the following week. Players will be able to acquire the quest again the week after the blocked week.
      • Players unable to launch the “Interference” mission may be able to play through and complete it by joining someone else already in the mission. 
      • We continue to investigate the BEAVER error code appearing frequently on the Steam platform. 

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.


A few weeks back, I challenged Cozmo to write better headlines for the Movie of the Week section. His answer? “Plays Adapted For Movies.”
This was an obvious reference to our favorite musical recently hitting a streaming service, but I still think he could do better. Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let’s get to watching some Space Magic Movie Magic.
Movie of the Week: Come on and SLAM.

Honorable Mention: Is this how you UwU?

If you’re looking to score a Movie of the Week emblem, make sure to submit your movie to the Creations page on Bungie.net. Throw a link to your Bungie.net profile in the description, and we’ll shoot you an emblem for your troubles if you’re creation is chosen.

A major announcement like the one we dropped today creates new questions. We know you also want answers to some of the other questions you’ve been asking since the original reveal of Beyond Light. 
Those answers were hard to come by in recent weeks while we refactored our deadlines and development cycles. The good news is that now we have more time to tell you everything you need to know about how this expansion will change Destiny 2. In the weeks and months to come, we’ll share all the information you need to plan your game time leading up to November 10.
Much love, -dmg04