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As an idiot who's sole purpose in this game is to get as many seals as I can in this game (currently 5/9), I've started to notice trends among people who wear respective titles, so I thought I'd make a silly post about it.

Wayfarer Warlock:

Was searching for all the lore pieces for Chronicler but thought this was fine too.

Wayfarer Hunter:

Perfectionist and loot obsessed, probably is only missing one item in their collection and is extremely pissed about it.

Wayfarer Titan:

Sunbreaker, probably hasn't visited the tower in a few centuries. Mark is so worn down that it's basically just a belt now.

Wayfarer Player:

If they played during year 1, probably didn't realize they had Wayfarer until 4 weeks after receiving it. If they didn't play during year 1, they will probably never farm for another Nightfall Exclusive in their life.

Dredgen Warlock:

Introvert, got the title just so everyone would leave them alone.

Dredgen Hunter:

Hangs out with the real Shadows of Yor and wanted to get the fake Dredgen title as a joke, spits when they hear Shin Malfur's name.

Dredgen Titan:

Wants to join the Shadows of Yor and doesnt know how.

Dredgen Player:

Says they hate gambit but secretly enjoy it. If they received Dredgen before the buff to the Ascendant Servitor's spawn rate, they have chanted "MEATBALL MEATBALL SPAGHETTI UNDERNEATH" at least 40 times while a Primeval was spawning.

Chronicler Warlock:

Way too proud of being a warlock. Uses the phrase "UM ACTUALLY..." at the beginning of every social interaction.

Chronicler Hunter:

Was curious about the story behind one of their weapons and then kinda got addicted to books.

Chronicler Titan:

Just picked up every shiny object they saw, received the title without realizing it.

Chronicler Player:

GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN BYF'S NEW VID?!?!?!?!?!?!!1111?!!1?!1!1?!!!

Cursebreaker Warlock:

Really into Thenatonautics, was way too curious about Savathun's death engine idea.

Cursebreaker Hunter:

Extremely Jealous of Petra's knife trick.

Cursebreaker Titan:

Was asked to Eradicate something, didn't ask any other questions.

Cursebreaker Player:

"RNG is f*cking bullsh*t" is a phrase they repeat at least 4 times per day.

Rivensbane Warlock:

Lonely, just wants more items with Ahamkara Bones attached to them so they'll have friends to talk to.

Rivensbane Hunter:


Rivensbane Titan:

"I GET TO PUNCH A DRAGON?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!"

Rivensbane Player:

Brags about getting 1 Thousand Voices after 2 raids.

Unbroken Warlock:

Crapped themselves when they saw the perks on Astrocyte Verse.

Unbroken Hunter:

"I dont care if it's broken, Shaxx hasn't banned it yet so I'm allowed to use it." Reminisces about the week of Trials of the Nine where everyone had Prometheus Lens and calls it "the greatest 4 days in Cruicible History."

Unbroken Titan:

Never ventures outside the Cruicible, scared of thrawls, openly expresses their crush on Shaxx and constantly reminds their teammates of how hot they think Shaxx is, and complains about One Eyed Mask while using One Eyed Mask.

Unbroken Player:

Uses Not Forgotten as a DPS weapon.

Blacksmith Warlock:

Heard the phrase "Golden Age Weaponry" and screamed so loud that Ada revoked their access pass for 3 weeks.

Blacksmith Hunter:

Drooled over the blueprints for Izanagi's Burden.

Blacksmith Titan:

Pissed off that the Forges are automatic, really wanted to use their hammer of Sol to forge weapons themselves.

Blacksmith Player:

Has completed 300 bounties and only barely got their 6 Ada-1 Bounties finished.

Reckoner Warlock:


Reckoner Hunter:

Has the hots for the drifter and thinks getting reckoner is the only way for them to be noticed.

Reckoner Titan:

Invader, uses Izanagi's Burden, Helm of Saint 14, and puts a Ward of Dawn bubble on the opposing bank. An agent of pure and utter chaos.

Reckoner Player:

Probably has developed a drug problem, used to like Gambit but now hates it, sees other reckoners and thinks "Ahh, good to see that I'm not the only person who's a masochist."

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Wayfarer Hunter, reporting in.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by spinto1

u/Cozmo23 got solo Shattered Throne done second, so I'm going with u/dmg04


almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Cozmo23


I dunno, I just read on the reddits that I got it before you. That means it must be true.