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Title. I recieved a couple of engrams from the Revelry event as compensation for the no knock out bug, but they still decrypted into things I already had.

Anyone else had this happen too?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by devoltar

/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04 -

The jubilant engram refund is not working and poorly executed. It only gives the engrams to one character - I was missing 8 items across all characters and it gave me 4 engrams on 1. It deletes any engrams that were already in your inventory on login without prompt (I had a prime engram before I logged in showing in DIM, it vanished after I logged in and received the jubilant engrams). And to top it off, some people are still getting duplicates. (possibly they logged in on a character that wasn't missing anything but received the engrams for another).

It's also really disappointing that it appears the gifted amount was on remaining unlocks, not duplicates received. I wanted the hunter cloak (and thank god I logged into hunter first), but I didn't just miss out on the cloak, I missed out on every attempt to get a better roll on it. I got a garbage roll of course (since heavy ammo finder demonstrably does nothing), so it's purely cosmetic.

This really deserves another pass and apology to the players impacted.

Thanks for tagging me. I'm sending these reports to the team who are investigating this further.