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Important Edit: here is some footage I got of the bug which shows projectiles coming from weird places, invisible weapons, health and overshield perks not working, finishers stuck in 1st person with no animations, glaives not getting shield energy on projectile hit and so on. Link to video: https://youtu.be/dpnrMYOIKUY?si=c2Pv4ngOYqzmK3CA

This Really needs Bungie’s attention ASAP. I have seen some other people talking about it at last and Esoterickk encountered it in the new dungeon as well. I have encountered it in the new dungeon, the Nether, the Pale Heart and now in lost sectors too. It seems to occur after continuous play. Basically here is what happens when the glitch takes place in bullet point form for easier reading:-

  • Perks and abilities stop triggering, most noticeable with healing stuff like Devour, Cure, Restoration, etc.

  • Debuffs stop applying to enemies such as Slow and so on.

  • Glaives stop gaining shield energy on projectile hits.

  • Weapons become invisible when switching to them.

  • Any abilities that usually go into 3rd person for an animation (Finishers, Rifts, etc.) remain in first person with no animation.

  • Mechanics in certain activities stop functioning, for instance in the new dungeon the lenses do not light up wheels when shining at them.

  • When this glitch is active, firing your weapon will cause the tracers or projectiles to come not from you but from a location you were at previously. For example, I was just in the lost sector in sorrow’s harbour and when I switched to my rocket sidearm, when I fired the rockets they were launching from where I was standing a couple minutes before.

This is a very serious bug Bungie. It needs to be acknowledged publicly so people know it is at least on your radar and therefore will be fixed. This bug is very consistently reproducable, just play for a slightly extended period of time without going to orbit or fast travelling. It happens literally every time on the third wave of the 1st encounter if you do it solo. Sometimes happens even in a group too but when it happens to me anywhere I am usually solo or in a group in a long activity like the nether. Others on here have cited examples of it happening in groups as well though. I’m going to trigger it again tonight and record it so I have video evidence but others have already sent you video proof so until you acknowledge this at least then I’m not sure what difference it would make.

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about 1 month ago - /u/Destiny2Team - Direct link

Could you send over some video links to show what you're describing?

Would be of great help to the team if you posted a thread over on our help forums as well - gets the report in front of our team faster for investigation.


Many thanks.