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This week at Bungie, Lord Saladin has an iron grip on the Crucible.
While it’s only been two days since the weekly reset, our feeds have been themed to the Iron Banner. Power-enabled combat can be a tough challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. This Season, The Forward path and Fool’s Remedy made their return with random rolls and brand new Iron Banner perks. Some weapon specialists among you have been diving deep into perk combinations, giving recommendations on the best rolls for success.
Additionally, some changes were made to our Seasonal quest offering to make these returning weapons a bit more accessible. If you haven’t already, stop by Lord Saladin in the Tower to kick off your Seasonal quest, and make sure to grab your four weekly bounties to earn some Pinnacle gear as you play. A few of you also noticed that Enhanced Armor Mods have a chance to drop on match completion, so games have felt a little more rewarding.
Gear up, form a fireteam, and get out there. Lord Saladin is waiting.
Gifted Subs Bounty
While this bounty will be available weekly, your first completion will award you two exclusive rewards: the “Stream of Light” emblem and “Watcher’s Shade” shader, each of which will be available from Amanda Holliday in the Tower.
We’ve seen a few questions popping up on this, so let’s get to some answers.
For more information about the extension, Twitch bounties, and more, visit this help article: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/48844
Bungie Day Fashion Show It’s no secret, we have a thing for the color blue. Slap on your favorite blue shader, grab a screenshot of your Guardian out in the worlds of Destiny 2, and tweet @Bungie with the tag #BungieDayFashionShow. We’ll retweet the winners on Bungie Day proper, and grant them the “Levante Prize” emblem for their troubles.
Bungie Day Art Show Fashion isn’t the only thing that’s on our minds. The artists of the Destiny community are some of the best, and we’re excited to see what you’ve got. Draw your Guardian, your favorite Vanguard, most feared raid boss, or whatever your heart desires that’s Destiny themed. Tweet @Bungie with the tag #BungieDayArtShow. Like the fashion show, we’ll retweet winners on Bungie Day and grant winners the “Aspect of Luminance” emblem.
We’re excited for next Tuesday, as we love celebrating this community.
Next Tuesday, we also have a patch going live in Destiny 2. Destiny 2 Update 2.9.1 will bring a slew of bug fixes to Season of Arrivals. Here are a few items to expect:
Full patch notes will be published when we make the download available, so keep an eye on Bungie.net for more.
No matter the conditions, Player Support is at the ready to lend a helping hand. Destiny 2 Update 2.9.1 is on approach, and the team has some valuable information as it comes in for landing.
This is their report.
Last week, Cozmo titled this section Movie Time. This week, I’m rolling with Picture Time. Why? Because it’s a moving picture! This is me calling Cozmo out for using such an EASY title last week. Like, c’mon man. I’m not being mean, I’m just being real…. good with words. Also, stop yelling at me in meetings. It hurts my ears!
But who cares about any of that. Here are some really cool videos that we’ve seen in the last week. Hope you enjoy them.
Movie of the Week: Spin to Win
Honorable Mention: Falling Apart
So, you’ve been featured. You’re hype. Your view count is going up, but you’re left with wondering, “What’s next?”
Make more videos! Submit them to the Creations page. See if you can snag the elusive double feature. If you win, we’ll be sending you and contributors a sweet emblem in the next week or so. Keep your eyes peeled on your Collections tab.
Thanks for stopping by for another week of Destiny news. My fingers are itching to get back in to the Iron Banner, but we have a few hours of the workday to get through. The feedback never stops, and neither does development of Destiny 2.
We’ll see you next Tuesday for Bungie Day. Cheers to all of you for being a great community.
Much love, -dmg04
While it’s only been two days since the weekly reset, our feeds have been themed to the Iron Banner. Power-enabled combat can be a tough challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. This Season, The Forward path and Fool’s Remedy made their return with random rolls and brand new Iron Banner perks. Some weapon specialists among you have been diving deep into perk combinations, giving recommendations on the best rolls for success.

Additionally, some changes were made to our Seasonal quest offering to make these returning weapons a bit more accessible. If you haven’t already, stop by Lord Saladin in the Tower to kick off your Seasonal quest, and make sure to grab your four weekly bounties to earn some Pinnacle gear as you play. A few of you also noticed that Enhanced Armor Mods have a chance to drop on match completion, so games have felt a little more rewarding.
Gear up, form a fireteam, and get out there. Lord Saladin is waiting.
A few months back, the official Twitch Destiny Extension was released, giving players the opportunity to showcase their builds while playing Trials of Osiris every weekend. We’ve been slowly building this feature and introduced bounties to earn Trials Tokens when reacting to matches. Tuesday, we introduced a new bounty which brought quite a buzz to the Destiny directory.Gifted Subs Bounty
- Gift 2x subscriptions to any Twitch steamer live-streaming Destiny 2 when they have the official Twitch Destiny Extension active.
While this bounty will be available weekly, your first completion will award you two exclusive rewards: the “Stream of Light” emblem and “Watcher’s Shade” shader, each of which will be available from Amanda Holliday in the Tower.

We’ve seen a few questions popping up on this, so let’s get to some answers.
- Do I need to do anything before gifting subscriptions?
- Yes. You must ensure that your Bungie.net account is linked to your Twitch account to gain progress towards bounty completion. Head over to the Help Article for information on how to do this!
- Can I gift subscriptions to any streamer to get these rewards?
- If the streamer is actively playing Destiny 2 on Twitch with the official Twitch Destiny Extension, you can complete bounties to unlock rewards.
- Can I complete bounties on my phone?
- No. Bounties may only be progressed when watching streams on a browser.
- Note: The team is currently looking to expand functionality here, so stay tuned!
- I’ve completed the bounty, but don’t see rewards. What gives?
- If you see the bounty completed on the extension, sign out and back in to Destiny 2 before visiting Amanda Holliday.
- How long will this bounty be available?
- At this time, there is no planned end date. While the emblem may be earned a single time, the bounty may be completed weekly for other in-game rewards.
- How do I get the extension?
- Head over to the official Twitch Destiny Extension help article for all the info you need.
For more information about the extension, Twitch bounties, and more, visit this help article: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/48844
Soon (Tee Em)
Next week, we have a celebration. Bungie Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the community, is on the calendar for next Tuesday (7/7/2020). Yes, we love sevens, but we also love YOU! We have some fun planned, but until then, here are a few things to keep you occupied as we approach the day of seven.Bungie Day Fashion Show It’s no secret, we have a thing for the color blue. Slap on your favorite blue shader, grab a screenshot of your Guardian out in the worlds of Destiny 2, and tweet @Bungie with the tag #BungieDayFashionShow. We’ll retweet the winners on Bungie Day proper, and grant them the “Levante Prize” emblem for their troubles.

Bungie Day Art Show Fashion isn’t the only thing that’s on our minds. The artists of the Destiny community are some of the best, and we’re excited to see what you’ve got. Draw your Guardian, your favorite Vanguard, most feared raid boss, or whatever your heart desires that’s Destiny themed. Tweet @Bungie with the tag #BungieDayArtShow. Like the fashion show, we’ll retweet winners on Bungie Day and grant winners the “Aspect of Luminance” emblem.

We’re excited for next Tuesday, as we love celebrating this community.
Patch Note Preview
Next Tuesday, we also have a patch going live in Destiny 2. Destiny 2 Update 2.9.1 will bring a slew of bug fixes to Season of Arrivals. Here are a few items to expect:
- Contact Events
- Fixed an issue where the “Heavy Hitters” Triumph was not progressing when defeating bosses.
- Fixed an issue where players could collect and bank 15 motes prior to unlocking the appropriate Prismatic Recaster rank reward.
- Contact Weapons
- Fixed an issue where Cold Denial and Falling Guillotine didn’t offer two perks in the final column when unlocking the “Umbral Enhancement III” gift on the Prismatic Recaster.
- Fixed an issue where Falling Guillotine could continue damaging enemies after the Heavy attack animation had completed.
- Sleeper Catalyst
- Fixed an issue where reissued Seraph weapons were not granting progress to Catalyst objectives.
- Last Wish and Garden of Salvation
- Updated gear to have Season of Arrivals Max Infusion Caps.
- Weekly Vanguard Bounties
- Removed Scorn, Cabal, Vex, and Fallen variations of Weekly Bounties from the Season of Arrivals pool.
Full patch notes will be published when we make the download available, so keep an eye on Bungie.net for more.
Ground Control to You

No matter the conditions, Player Support is at the ready to lend a helping hand. Destiny 2 Update 2.9.1 is on approach, and the team has some valuable information as it comes in for landing.
This is their report.
UPDATE 2.9.1 Update 2.9.1. will be released to players on Tuesday, July 7. For more information on this release as it becomes available, players should visit our Destiny Server and Update Status help article. For live updates as this maintenance occurs, players should follow @BungieHelp on Twitter or monitor our support feed at help.bungie.net.
CURRENT KNOWN ISSUES While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
- The Lake of Shadows Nightfall is incorrectly requiring players to own Forsaken.
- Players who finish this week's Means to an End quest who do not claim the Challenge Reward will be locked out of next week’s portion of the quest. Players will be able to progress the quest again the following week.
- The Unfurl the Banner Crucible quest step updates when players reach the Mythic Valor rank, not the Fabled rank.
- The Font of Light armor mod's description does not match its effect.
- Witherhoard's projectiles can appear randomly on screen when it's stowed.
- Seasonal mods for Season of Arrivals are not appearing in players’ Collections.
- The Fate of All Fools perk for the Jade Rabbit scout rifle is not working as intended.
- When Warlocks or Titans cancel their jump, they can sometimes auto-jump when landing.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
Picture Time

Last week, Cozmo titled this section Movie Time. This week, I’m rolling with Picture Time. Why? Because it’s a moving picture! This is me calling Cozmo out for using such an EASY title last week. Like, c’mon man. I’m not being mean, I’m just being real…. good with words. Also, stop yelling at me in meetings. It hurts my ears!
But who cares about any of that. Here are some really cool videos that we’ve seen in the last week. Hope you enjoy them.
Movie of the Week: Spin to Win
Honorable Mention: Falling Apart
So, you’ve been featured. You’re hype. Your view count is going up, but you’re left with wondering, “What’s next?”
Make more videos! Submit them to the Creations page. See if you can snag the elusive double feature. If you win, we’ll be sending you and contributors a sweet emblem in the next week or so. Keep your eyes peeled on your Collections tab.
Thanks for stopping by for another week of Destiny news. My fingers are itching to get back in to the Iron Banner, but we have a few hours of the workday to get through. The feedback never stops, and neither does development of Destiny 2.
We’ll see you next Tuesday for Bungie Day. Cheers to all of you for being a great community.
Much love, -dmg04