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Hello fellow guardians, wall of text incoming! Prepare yourself or just jump to the end.

After now around half a year I feel like I should tell you guys a story.

No matter how bad your RNG is, no matter how much you struggle in life or ingame, this story will make you smile at least.

I promised my friend not to, but it is too unreal and I am so happy for him on the one side, but also ashamed of yelling at him so often over more than a year of Destiny on the other.

Let’s start with a few information about my good friend and guardian (Let’s call him Joe), who is the main character in this beautiful story about much work, much time spent and finally so much joy and excitement after just a bit more than one year of destiny.

We met each other back on the first day of the Atheon-Raid. What an absolute fun! And so much time was spend, hilarious! So after billion attemps we finally reached the Jumping-Puzzle with a team that built a clan later and became very good guardians and friends, always searching for the next possible task or best loot obtainable.

Without having information about the tricks we stayed there for about an hour straight. The most problems had Joe.

He told us he had the worst Internet possible so the game lagged here and there. Nobody knew why this was such a hard task for him to get over these platforms but we ended up kicking him, and then invite him after reaching the throne room. (Sidenote: He just plays Titans (2) he never created another character until now, so it was much more unexplainable for us)

We played until Crota came out, with Joe still having problems of doing the jumping puzzle in the Atheon-Raid. He had never done it probably until the Crota Raid came, so we had another task to complete – go on Joe, forget about the jumping puzzle..

With the next Raid there has been no problems for Joe to get through. Although he sometimes just missed a jump or fell down stairs and sh*t he did an awesome job. We thought he was just a bit clumsy but no one could have expected what would be the explanation a year later..

So time passed by and more and more hours were played - when the next big Raid was announced – The Kings Fall!

We love Joe, we really do, but this Raid was hell of a task for him. He was raging and at the same time apologizing all the time for him failing so often. Also he was wondering how the hell we could get through all the jumping parts that easily. He skipped the first part with the ships – simply not possible for him. After 1-2 hours we decided to go with the good old kick and invite tactic.

Priest – No problem. Labyrinth – No problem.

Ogre.. Puuuh it has been interesting having Joe with you in your team, because for whatever reason he had the most problems getting out of the pit. It just took too long, either we distracted the ogre or he popped a bubble and defended himself down there until we could get to him again and dealing damage to the ogre. Good old Joe, we are here for you. (He still was awesome at surviving those situations, he pretty much grew into these unnecessary tasks.)

And now the jumping part again. We had fun – Joe hadn’t. We reached the exotic chest after a few minutes. Joe.. well.. not really. He did but – you know, took his time.

But being the best Clan-buddys you could have we just spend time exploring and helping him with making the platforms visible.


Now to the sisters. Every time Joe was the second runner we decided to wipe or we let him try and watched this poor guy fighting against the counter that he would never caught up.

Funfact: The game made him being the runner like every third attempt.

He was already raging after a few hours but we got to Oryx.

Oh hell.

The only task with jumping in it would have been the jump on the platforms. Well.. We did it the right way, but sometimes it took to long for Joe to get on the platform, sometimes he even missed it. (Hell Joe why are you doing this!)

We thought it was his internet connection again, but it was stable. Green. Good. He skipped the next tries because he thought he would not be a help for us. Sure it would be difficult but we did not want to leave him alone.

So a few weeks passed by. We killed Oryx often. Joe didn’t – He grinded or did Pvp..whatever.

Then we decided to help him getting through this! We summoned Oryx and started watching Joe extremely careful. Every step, every single skill in the tree. It was perfectly balanced!

But he took his time again. Always doing the whole Titan jump.

First page!! Awesome!! Thank you guys so much, also a huge thank you from Joe, he's a good sport! ** So. There we are. The **whole jump? Always. Why Joe? Why the whole jump?

Next try. Same.

Joe asked:

'How to you land on the rand of the platform that exactly? I either miss it or miss the whole platform or I try to land in the middle and it would take too long. What is your trick?'

Damn Joe.. After more than a year of playing Destiny, so many exploits and tricks he wasn’t able to do because he always did the f*cking whole jump. Someone raised his voice – a friend of ours, always wondering about Joe’s problems. His questions should change Joe’s game immediately. His whole gaming experience.

'Yo Joe?.. Why don’t you just abort your jump in midair?'

Joe answered in a way only a famous popstar could do:

“What do you mean?”

We joined the conversation:

“Press X in midair, you know this Joe!” “Do you?” “Please tell us you do”

At this time we stood in the entrance of the oryx fight, because we wiped after he missed the jump.

Everyone was quiet. We stand still, Joe ran a few meters to the left platform. We watched him, absorbing every move and sound he did.

Joe: 'Hmmmmmm'

He jumped. It was one of the famous slow motion moments.

He got higher and higher, slightly above the height of the platform. He fell down. Straight in record time.

Joe: 'lol .. Wtf .. Yo guys this *is the sh*t!'

He celebrated, nearly screamed. We couldn’t believe. All the wipes, all the stress, all the friendship that was built during these days. Just because he simply ignored the goddamn game mechanics and how the jump has to be done correctly.

He won the jumping lottery. All his survival and hustle skills are now paired with a maximum of jumping ability. We had a hell of a mean machine in our fronts from now on!

After more than a year he learned how to abort jumps midair with pressing X again. We quickly jumped into the Orbit and paced through Atheons Raid to the jumping puzzle. We released this poor creature to beat his own biggest threat and fear.

Fly Joe, Fly and grab your victory.

Like old wise men in long white robes we stand there, letting our good friend Joe do what he should have done a year before. (Imagen a Celine Dion heroic song now)

Getting the very first jumping puzzle done on his own. Without missing every jump or platform he succeeded.

Atheon was burned. Joe was on fire. We could not stop him, nobody could. So we joined and fly with him.

He evolved from a sloth to a sith, jumping the sh*t out of the enemies and jumping parts. We are proud of you and that you showed the strength to go through this hell and stay with us and our challenges! Also for sharing this absolute bizarre moment with us. May you be an idol for every person playing video games or struggling in real life.

You made me a better person, who now always scrutinize my own way of doing things and always checking the game mechanics first. Always optimize, always stay strong, and always do it the Joe-way.

May the holy RNGJesus be with you on all your journeys and heavy tasks!

Friend of ours did not realize he is able to abort a jump in midair with pressing X. Finally he did after just a year

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almost 9 years ago - /u/bng_hopps - Direct link

World artist and designer on Kingsfall cutters and Wall of... uh... Transept. This warms the deepest parts of my sadistic heart.

almost 9 years ago - /u/bng_hopps - Direct link

Originally posted by hrafnbrand

Call it what it is, Hopps. It's the Wall of Dicks. Say it Hopps. Say it.


almost 9 years ago - /u/bng_hopps - Direct link

Originally posted by zrvwls

Every 6 seconds, a new guardian is violently introduced to the wall of dicks by a group of 5 other quietly waiting fireteam members.