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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/47927


  • Fixed an issue where players could not progress the “Imperial Summons” quest
  • Fixed an issue where Sturm’s “Accomplice” perk was not reloading Energy weapons

    • Note: We are currently investigating an issue where Drang is the only Sidearm that reloads when this perk is activated
    • Note: Energy weapon reload audio may play more than once when the perk triggers


  • Fixed an issue where the Intrepid Seasonal armor sets stated that they could be obtained through Bright Engrams when inspected within Collections
  • Fixed an issue where seasonal Eververse armor could be acquired with random rolls

    • Moving forward, all Eververse armor will have static rolls
    • Any armor obtained prior to this change will maintain their randomly rolled perks
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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Meta0X

Anyone know if they're working on the Allegiance Quest bug? I still can't bribe Spider.

Which is absurd. He's like Destiny's own Mr. Krabs. How could he not accept a bribe?

Known issue under investigation. Couldn't hit it with this hotfix. We'll get you an update when we know more.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by itztherealmojo

No mention of a fix for CoS flawless runs being bugged to hell. smh

What issues are you hitting when attempting flawless?

almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Mika9931

No fix for gauntlet bug? /u/dmg04

Edit : woke up with over 200 downvotes ( not that I care) just proves that all of you are just bad gamers, you want to abuse every cheese there is ( gauntlet, Riven, comp matchmake,..) just because you guys are bad at the game.

Give everyone a break, go find a new game and stop making Destiny as casual as fifa.

Either get good or accept that you suck at playlng video games

Under investigation.