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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48478

This week at Bungie, we give thanks.

Hello, and welcome to an oddly early TWAB entry. It’s Tuesday, it’s 10 in the morning, and we might have caught you off guard. This Thursday, we’re celebrating Thanksgiving in the states. It’s a day meant for us to reflect what we’re thankful for while spending time with friends and family.

We couldn’t leave for holiday without mentioning what we’re all incredibly thankful for: you.

Guardians like you inspire us every day, from the stories you’ve shared about the friendships you’ve made, to the tales of how you earned your favorite loot. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to share their stories over not only the last few weeks, but years of Destiny and Destiny 2

Thank you, dear reader, for being a Guardian.

Now, let’s get on to the news of the week. We have some community spotlight on a few artists, and info on our Black Friday sale, which just kicked off!

But Before We Start…

Season of Dawn begins December 10, 2019. We have a bit to talk about between now and then…

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Join us on Wednesday December 4, at 10:00 a.m. PT for the reveal of a new season. Dawn is almost upon us.

Holiday Shopping

Thanksgiving dinner is the last thing between you and the Holiday season. Black Friday at Bungie Store begins November 28, at 9 p.m. PT. We have new gear including T-shirts, collectibles, and accessories that make the perfect holiday gifts for the Guardians in your life! Or, you know, perfect gifts for yourself…

Ah, and the sweetest loot of all: Up to 50% off on Black Friday sale merchandise!

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Every purchase through December 9, 2019 11:59 p.m. PT will include a free exclusive Destiny 2 emblem. Additionally, any purchases of $50 or more will include a free exclusive limited edition Destiny art print while supplies last.

EU residents shopping on Bungie Store EU will have access to the free emblem with purchase promotion and can expect more extensive product availability before the end of this year.

Artist Alley

We’re pleased to announce the Bungie Store’s Community Artist Series of official merchandise featuring art from the Destiny community! 

Please join us in celebrating our creative and talented community with these limited edition collectible products. Each artist receives a share of the revenue from their product sales. The program is currently by invite only and we plan on adding more designs soon.

The first wave of Community Artist Series merchandise will be available for pre-order on November 28, 2019 at 9:00 p.m. PT.

Sergey Parshakov: Vermillion

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Hi, this is Seryozha (you can read it if you've read Zhalo in D1). 

A Void Warlock who draws boring, mostly monochrome, pics.

My love for Destiny is based on two things:  

  • An awesome mix of fantasy and sci-fi. 

  • Use of Swiss graphic design traditions & attention to in-game branding (Hakke!).

I'm always searching for details which not everyone notices. I can watch at wall texture for tens of minutes, or how light draws Shrieker's shape. This inspires me.

I'm convinced that the observing, analyzing & mixing of opposite elements to create something new are the keys to an awesome result.

Brian Moncus: The Last

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Hi, my name is Brian Moncus or MrMoncus to some that know me by my social handles. I’m a part time freelance artist and I’ve been creating scribbles since I was a little kid with notebook paper and a No. 2 pencil.  Currently I work digitally in Procreate on the Ipad Pro with a much more indirect approach to painting. Most of my work carries a darker vibe to it with influence from traditional charcoal work to iconic classical illustrations from artists such as Frank Frazetta. I love the Destiny universe and the stories within it, so I’m constantly finding inspiration for new works.

Ian Pestridge: Triarchy

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After studying Visual Art at University, I now work in the games industry as an Art Director. My inspirations are diverse but notable are Iain McCaig, Katsuhiro Otomo & Gustave Dore. Stylistically my work is tonal, I utilise colour sparingly and purposefully. Detailed work with etch-like hatching and texture along with lighting, composition and mood are key to my style. I create art that excites and challenges me in style and subject, something visually arresting. My art allows me to express my enjoyment of Destiny; my favourite aspect is how creative and supportive the community and devs are.

Holiday Helpers

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Even through the holiday, we keep tabs on our services to make sure things keep running. Our Player Support Team will be lively in the forums, leaving no stone unturned as we continue to investigate issues in the live game.

This is their report.

Google Stadia and Chrome Extensions

Last week, Destiny 2: The Collection launched on Google Stadia. Since launch, we’ve been closely monitoring reports for player-impacting issues on our local #Help forum. This week, we’d like to highlight an issue which can emerge when players have Chrome extensions enabled while playing Stadia in their Chrome browser.

In some cases, Stadia players have reported that Chrome extensions can interfere with keyboard inputs during Destiny 2 gameplay. If, for example, a player has a Chrome extension which uses the “R” key as a hotkey, the “R” key may be unresponsive during gameplay.

In all cases, we recommend that players remain aware of which Chrome extensions they have enabled, and be prepared to disable them in the event that they interfere with gameplay inputs. Alternatively, players can choose to rebind their keyboard inputs in their Destiny 2 Settings menu. If players encounter other general issues with their keybindings, they should restore them to their defaults and set them again.

For more information on Google Stadia, players should visit our Stadia Guide.

Holiday Support

This Thursday and Friday, Bungie will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. Rest assured, our Bungie Network Operations Center will remain staffed to monitor services across Destiny 1, Destiny 2, and the Destiny Companion app.

In the event of a service interruption, players can receive the latest news by following @BungieHelp on Twitter or monitoring our support feed on help.bungie.net.


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Feast your eyes on this smorgasbord of artisanal treats, stuffed with the finest content our Community Creations page has to offer. Look, I get that this intro went a little overboard on food references. It’s almost Thanksgiving and all I can think about is Turkey. Deal with it.

Movie of the Week: Optimal Damage per Second

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Honorable Mention: Thin Line

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Honorable Mention: Undying YEET

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Editors note: Yes, we see you throwing bosses off of the map. This is an example their revenge.

Honorable Mention: Wait for it…

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So, let’s say you’re looking for a new emblem to sport, and you think you have some footage worthy of Movie of the Week. Submit your video to our Community Creations page, and maybe you’ll take home the prize next week.

It’s a bit of a light week, but we’ll be back in just over a week with the reveal of Season of Dawn. We’ll also have a patch note preview for Destiny 2 Update 2.7.0, bringing a few quality of life changes to the fold. I’m looking at you, Escalation Protocol armor.



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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DooceBigalo

I would have preferred if it just said Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.