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Really the only sane nerf in there is SoDA, since getting a full nova bomb back off of seven red bars is absurd.

You want whisper to be a weapon that rewards your shooting with infinite ammo, like it has been for a year? Do so, keep it like it is, remove its reserves entirely. all you get is the one mag. but with the proposed changes, it's a slower DARCI, minus the loading rift or barricade. The changes to its perk literally don't matter. at all. They change nothing, except for the part that actually made it exotic. the proposed change removes that. Nothing exotic about an auto-loading sniper rifle, when literally all of them can perform that way.

Why the f*ck were rigs touched? Why sleeper AGAIN?

Why shards? They're already so incredibly inconsistent

and you nerfed URSAS?! WHY?

What even is the curve like on these diminishing returns? Why wasn't this information in the TWAB?

But all this is beside the point - it's not a conversation if there's no back and forth with your community at large. I can understand the desire to nerf things that get too powerful, There's a floor and there's a ceiling to power. However, swathing changes like these, especially when we lack information on them, need to be DISCUSSED. Just like the LH/NF changes, there was no discussion, just a statement. You said "we're nerfing it" and that was it. No community polling, no addressing the issues surrounding them, nothing. Just dropped it, and you'll leave it to sit and stir until it hopefully goes away. What it looks like from this end, at least

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by zTwiDashz

/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04 Can’t be a conversation if you don’t take our feedback.

We’ll absolutely be taking all of the feedback to the team.