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Like I’m begging y’all, please let our squid faced friend bring random roll exotics (gear, not engrams) every weekend starting with this Season of the Dawn. He needs something to do. He’s sad; thousands of guardians visit him every week and thousands are left disappointed. He brings three amor prices each week that serve little purpose than a reactionary “oh look, Sunbracers again.” That breaks his heart. He’s Santa. And right now his job is the equivalent of giving everyone a boring lump of coal every week. That’s not cool.

So in short, with all the plans and fixes with Season of the Dawn, please don’t let our friend from the Nine fall to the wayside. Give him those beautiful void affinity Geomag Stabilizers with something that isn’t a 49 stat roll. He’ll be soo happy.

Think of the children.


Quick Edit: the changes to the Fated /Exotic engram system are excellent. But that doesn’t solve the problem that Xur continues to sell us gear with the same stat roll as collections. Random rolls for those gives the player a slightly more straightforward way to getting a better stat rolled armor piece than the new Exotic engram does. My point remains: make Xur sell randomly rolled exotics.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Xur will not feature random rolls in Season of Dawn. Sorry for the news, but want to set expectations now.

Direct purchase exotic armor will continue to feature collection rolls. Think of this as an avenue for players who have not earned those exotics to check off the box and play around with the perk.

Xur will have the updated Exotic Engram, so once you've collected all weapons, you'll be getting a randomly rolled exotic armor piece each week. Further random roll acquisition will continue to be available through the Nightfall: Ordeal.

We'll continue to collect feedback over Xur and exotic random rolls as it comes in. I have no doubts we'll see players getting some killer rolls from the engram next week, but others continuing their search for the perfect roll.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Bhu124

So many Bungie fanboys called me a conspiracy theorist when I commented that Collection Rolls is 100% intentional (The "Bug" just happened to come up at the same time the game went F2P and launched on Steam) and they are lying to us, it isn't something that will take more than a few minutes for them to fix, they just don't want to because they don't want the massive influx of new players to get decent rolls of all these exotic armor pieces from Xur on a weekly basis.

A massive chunk of userbase of this sub is blinded by their fanboyism and loyalty for Bungie. It's insane. The fact that they even accept that it takes Bungie months to fix tiny issues (That's the excuse everyone replied to me) is insane to me.

No, there is no conspiracy where we are lying about this to keep players from getting an extra stat roll.

It’s not something that would take a few minutes to fix.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll let you know when we have a fix coming.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by VeshWolfe

I’m convinced now more than ever that there are a variety of egos at play in Bungie and none of them know what the others are doing or have planned which translates to the mixed messages and “We here you” responses we get.

Sorry for any mixed messages. Both times I’ve tried to convey that we know about the issue without promising a timeline on a fix until we know we can deliver.