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Each column of the artefact provides one category of item for one type of equipment. Of every piece of equipment in the entire game, not a single one can accept more than 2 mods of the same category. There is no possible build combination that can use more than 2 mods at once from columns 2-5, and column 1 are dump mods so they aren't a considered factor. All the weapon mods only affect primaries (which is another issue), so no more than 2 can be equipped at a time with them.

If every mod were made available at once, not a single aspect of this would change. What would change, however, is the unnecessary headache whenever it came to experimenting with new builds. If I have Arc Battery and Oppressive Darkness unlocked, but I want to try Thunder Coil, I have to spend a constantly increasing amount of glimmer, slot back all the mods I used previously, then clear the annoying flashing icon from every piece of gear that had a seasonal mod equipped. If I decide I don't like it, then I need to do it all again but it costs more.

Nothing is gained from this process. Nothing about this process is creative. No part of this process was tested by an actual human being who would have realised how pointlessly obtuse it is.

Solutions to fix this:

  • Keep granting points when levelling the artefact.
  • Spend 2-3 points to unlock the entire column.
  • Unlock all mods when reaching 12 points

There are so many questionable to downright terrible interface design decisions in this game, and introducing another doesn't benefit anyone. Levelling things and seeing progress is fun, but nothing about this is progress once you hit 12 points. Instead, I'm being punished for wanting try something new.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I'll pass along this feedback. Thanks for sharing!