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I've seen some serious nonsense reach the top of the sub recently, claiming that all PvP players are demanding the cancellation of raids and new activities until we get new crucible maps and balance changes. That's a load of complete bullsh*t. Every single person who plays this game understands that PvE is the main focus, and no one is seriously disputing that. We aren't asking for it to be the "main focus", we are asking for it to be a focus, at all. Look at every single seasonal release, and compare the amounts of content that each area of the game receives. It's a huge difference.

Asking for stuff such as more frequent balancing passes or actual relevant loot from PvP will not, as they say, "compromise Destiny's defining characteristics". (?????) As for telling us to "just go play Overwatch or Apex for pvp", how about I respond by saying, just go play borderlands or anthem or diablo? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? Just because other options exist doesn't mean we want to leave what we like and have heavily invested ourselves into.

I just don't get it. No one wants an entire season of the crucible or anything, we just want more stuff to do. We haven't had trials for over a year, comp has no new reward for reaching Legend this year, there's absolutely no endgame materials grind in crucible at all unless you count the pitiful 10 enhancement cores for a valor reset (of which you can get the equivalent of 66 by dismantling one piece of armor from the dungeon). We don't want the entire focus, we just want a little. I don't think that's an insane request.

Here's some (I would say) reasonable suggestions.

Add a set of armor that can roll with high level stats that only drops from wins in competitive playlist.

Give us some way of earning infusion materials. If valor resets are too easy, as some claim, then perhaps give us challenging weekly bounties that we can do for them

And, of course, Trials would always be welcome. At this point, I don't think there's anyone that would say no to even just bringing back Trials of the Nine exactly as it was with no changes, just something to do.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

At Shadowkeep launch, we refreshed the Crucible nodes, added a Solo playlist for Comp, refactored Glory gains, and started curating Crucible maps to pull ones that weren't performing well out of rotation for some love. This was the beginning of our work on Crucible over the next year, and we are far from done.

In Season of Dawn, we'll be reintroducing Rusted Lands, bringing Elimination to a static playlist node available at all times, and doing a bit of Sandbox work to refresh how Crucible gameplay feels. A few weeks back, we previewed the changes for OEM and Recluse, which may shift the sandbox around a bit. On top of that, we have a slew of new legendary weapons, exotic armor pieces, and subclass changes which we hope will push players to new builds. We'll also have a few maps returning to rotation with fixes to spawns and other issues, with a selection of maps being removed. We'll have some details on that in the TWAB later this afternoon.

As for Masterwork materials, we're passing this feedback along to the team. The current source of mats, as stated in the OP, is after a full Valor refresh. This isn't comparable to other parts of the game. Gambit shares this issue to an extent, but there are fully masterworked weapons that drop from time to time that end up granting more mats than Crucible.

We have been introducing new pursuit weapons for players to earn via Glory, but we hear you on the Legend rewards, and have been passing this feedback along as well.

I understand the feedback right now, in that things feel slow. We have three month seasonal rotations with a few additional updates within each season, which players find to be too long for upkeep and refreshes. While we're passing this feedback along to the team, we also have to be sure to balance our resource allocation internally, and not rush fixes or changes which may break the experience. This isn't meant to downplay your feedback in any sense, just wanted to say that game development takes time, and that we don't want to rush things that could end up creating more issues in the wild.

As we have more information on future changes for the Crucible, we'll let you know. Until then, we have people working on the crucible internally, whether it be tweaks to modes, matchmaking, sandbox, or other.

Please keep the feedback coming, as we continue to collect it to help prioritize what players want to see most.



over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Twitch-ing

I don't get how you're allowed to sign your comments O.o


I don't know why I do this sometimes. Maybe it's because of an old Mythic Bungie.net member that I remember from time to time who always signed their posts.


over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by thebutinator

Yooo legends rewards, im fing hyped

This isn't a promise, just a note that we see your feedback and are passing it along.

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by kingtej

Thanks for the info. Pretty obvious at this point that you have strict instructions not to mention "Trials" or anything related to it.

Re: Trials

We've had a few blog posts talking about Trials of the Nine being on indefinite hiatus, and Luke speaking to what worked and what didn't in one of the Director's Cut blog articles.

This season, Elimination is returning as a static mode that you can play at any time. We collected a lot of feedback from Crucible Labs over the last season, and we'll continue to look at how the mode plays this season with upcoming Sandbox changes and other things. You bet your ass I'll be in there.

Please continue to sound off with what works and what doesn't. Maps, mode settings, weapons, armor, etc.