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This is not getting any attention anywhere, but it is a serious game breaking problem that hundreds of us are having. I'm going to try to explain here what is going on, please give this post some attention, Bungie has been effectively ignoring us with zero updates on this issue for 5 days now.

I'm going to preface this by saying:

Yes we did follow the steps for the PC migration before October 1st. Personally, I attempted to transfer my account more than a week ago. The PC Move site stated that the migration was a success so I thought all was well and waited for Oct. 1st to come around. While logging onto Steam on Oct. 1st I was greeted with a create a character screen. None of my characters or DLC licences carried over to Steam.

Here is what the step by step process looks like for those of us experiencing this problem.

So basically I can't play the game with the characters I have sunk hundreds of hours into. But it isn't just me, by looking at the forums it seems that hundreds if not thousands of other players are experiencing the same exact issue. Just look at the top trending posts at the Bungie Help forum and you'll see how widespread this is.

It has been 5 days now and we have received nothing but silence from Bungie. The raid is going on today but many of us cannot participate in the day 1 attempts. Hell we're so far behind we wont even be ready for the raid for multiple days after it's release, and that's if this problem ever gets fixed in the first place. WE STILL CAN'T PLAY.

The people dealing with this issue are people who bought the game, bought the DLCs, and have stuck around to support the game even after many people have moved on. We are some of Bungie's most loyal customers and we don't even get enough respect from Bungie for them to give us any sort of update on this issue for 5 days straight.

Please help this gain more attention. We need answers or at least an update from Bungie. I understand that this is obviously a difficult enough problem for them to not be able to fix it after 5 days, but it's the silence that is unacceptable.


I'm literally receiving threats and all sorts of name calling and shaming over this. My bad for not being satisfied with how Bungie has treated me and hundreds of other paying customers for the last 5 days. Quite the community we've got here guys. I hope you guys enjoy where ever this game ends up, but this is it for me.


Yes, as many of you have stated, they have "acknowledged" the issue. However, the only acknowledgement we have received is that they are "investigating reports on the issue" and that we should "try again". They are actually telling us after 5 days with this problem to just "try again". As a paying customer, to me that is not an acceptable response. To me that is silence, in fact I'm willing to bet that this will be swept under the rug if and when this issue is resolved.

My intent when creating this post was to bring the community on reddit together, to raise enough awareness, and to hopefully urge Bungie into giving us a more substantial response than "try again". Instead, all I have received are threats, name calling, shaming, and various other types of abuse from this community. Like I've responded to a few of you with your nasty comments, I hope you enjoy your time with Shadowkeep friends.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We are investigating this issue. We’ll share any new information as soon as we can. Follow @Bungiehelp for the latest.