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Hi all!

About 6 months ago u/JamminTea made a thread to give away their Crown of Sorrow raid jacket code to a lucky winner. In that same thread, u/lxkyewy gave me his code so I could get my boss this raid jacket, too.

My boss is Mikael 'Miksu' Kasurinen, the Game Director for 'Control'. He was at E3 promoting 'Control' for the week when the raid was out (so he was unable to get a code for himself).

I was hoping the jacket would arrive in time for the launch of 'Control', but it didn't. It did arrive yesterday though :D. As promised, here's the proof that I did use it for him and not myself. https://imgur.com/gallery/uDqehpb

Thanks to u/JamminTea for making the original competition, and many thanks to u/lxkyewy for graciously letting me use their code.

Edit: Punctuation.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I loved Control. Thanks for helping him out!

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hylette

Hey Cozmo, any chance that you can give us an update on the December shipments? It's getting colder than the hive on Mars where I live and I'd like to use my jacket to stay warm with style.

Contact Bungie Store Customer Service and ask for an update on your order.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Falconmcfalconface

Legit if i could i'd refund the damn coat right now.

I dont know if consumer protection laws can apply here but im genuinely starting to wonder if this could be perceived as a mild form of false advertising. We're shown one product and told there will be minor differences, yet this is quite a bit more than a minor difference.

Have you contacted anyone about a refund? The sleeve thing was our bad and we are offering a refund to anyone how wants one.


over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

The change to the sleeve pisses me off because of how much of a monumental f**k up it was.

Literally every single piece of literature they sent out regarding the jackets showed the cuffed sleeves.

EVEN AFTER SENDING OUT A LIMITED RUN OF THE JACKETS WITHOUT THE CUFFED SLEEVES, THEY STILL SENT OUT UPDATE EMAILS SHOWING THE CUFFED SLEEVES. WHAT? They knew the sleeves would not be cuffed yet still sent out images of the cuffed sleeves? There is no universe in which Bungie didn't know about the sleeve change and they deliberately choose not to tell us about it. No notice, no chance to get a refund, absolutely f**k all. Completely unacceptable.

We weren't trying to mislead anyone. If you want a refund we are offering one just contact [email protected] with your request, including the order number.


over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by thexvoid

Kind of useless when they just give a copy paste reply about there being two shipments.

Its december 19. The november shipments went out over a month ago. Meanwhile those of us still waiting won’t even have it by christmas.

Feels ridiculous to pay $160 for a jacket, have it be changed before release with no notice, and now six months later half of us are still waiting with no actual news on what is going on.

I just checked and it looks the last batch just arrived at our warehouse today and will be shipping out to everyone soon.