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In general I had been for sunsetting; sure, there were plenty of guns I loved getting left behind, but I was ready to get excited about new loot again. However, I was concerned about raid loot, since those activities are so amazing and I love the loot (even if it isn't always meta). I'm not some hardcore raider, I don't always have the time, but I love getting to raid with my clan when I get the chance. So in the TWAB on 5/14 that went into detail on sunsetting, I was happy to read this note:

Weapons and armor from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids, will be granted exceptions and will have a higher Max Power Level.

Great! Those raids stay relevant and to some extent, you should be able to future-proof your kit if you have raid gear you enjoy. Being stuck at home during this pandemic, I've had more time to raid and finally got the curated Nation of Beasts I've been wanting for ages in the last month, and I was looking forward to using that thing for a long time to come.

New season rolls around and now we can see level caps on gear. Our raid stuff is all reading a cap of 1060. Uh oh! Don't worry, Cozmo responded in this tweet:

The Garden of Salvation and Last Wish raid weapons and armor are currently showing an incorrect Max Power Level. We will fix in S12.

Cool cool, just a bug. Everything is fine!

That's what I thought, until I stumbled upon this article on Bungie.net regarding max power level. Go ahead and scroll down to the very bottom.

*Legendary gear from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation Raids will be reissued in Season 12 with the Season 12 Power Cap.

Um...this seems like it turns what we thought we knew about raid gear on its head, and on the surface seems to contradict Cozmo's tweet. But if you look again, nowhere is it explicitly said that our existing raid loot will have its level cap raised. Given the way that Gambit Prime gear has been reissued unchanged, just with a higher level cap this season, my fear is that Bungie is going to make us re-grind all of our raid loot, just...because. The loot is still infusible and the activities will still be there! But we'll need to re-earn everything that we've already gotten over the past 1-2 years, in most likely the same form (no updated rolls, if the reissued GP guns are anything to go by), because...I really can't think of a reason, besides "f*ck you".

To my knowledge, the community is acting under the same assumption I had been - that we could keep infusing our existing raid loot for a while longer. Maybe that's correct, because on the face of it Cozmo's tweet and the help article are contradictory. I'm making this post in the hopes of drawing the community's attention to this situation, and hopefully get the attention of the community managers, who can clarify. And in the event that they do see this, and we will need to re-earn our loot, I want to ask...why? Do you really think the way to get people excited to run Last Wish or Garden in Y4 will be to take away everything we've earned from the raid (minus the exotics, mods and cosmetics) and make us earn it again? Because I think that's a great way to ruin the magic of raids, and if this is the case and the way you chose to announce it was to stick it at the bottom of a help article published on a day full of big announcements where it wouldn't be noticed, I think that's pretty f*cking shifty of you. I hope I'm wrong.

EDIT: To all the people calling me a dummy for thinking it wouldn’t shake out this way, or selfish for only caring about sunsetting when it affects my favorite activities: I think it was a reasonable assumption, given that these activities were specifically called out as having higher infusion caps on their loot, that we would simply be able to keep infusing our raid gear. Also given that we didn’t know how reissuing would work in action until a week ago, and we didn’t know the “reissued” tag would be applied to raid gear, and our need for clarification is natural. Raids are, IMO, the pinnacle activity of Destiny that sets it apart from other games, and before its loot was announced to have higher max power I was sad that an awesome experience like Last Wish would lose its main motivation to run it. In any case, the main point of this post was to try to get clarification on the issue from a community manager, so thanks for upvoting this to front page.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by OnnaJReverT

yo u/dmg04 u/cozmo23

what's correct here? conflicting information isn't good for anybody

Sorry about that, we'll update that Help article soon. Garden of Salvation and Last Wish gear will be granted an exception from the Max Power Cap rules and they will have a Max Power Cap that allows them to be infused to the Max Power Cap of Season 14. The UI will be updated to show this starting in Season 12.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by ninth_reddit_account

Just to clarify - do you mean existing Garden of Salvation and Last Wish armour and weapons that we own will be able to be infused up to max power cap of Season 14?

Yea it will apply to both the current items you have and any future ones you earn.