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This week at Bungie, we’re beginning our descent to Europa.
Every release, we have a long conversation about what we should show players leading up to launch, and what we should leave for players to discover. We want to build up the sense of wonder as a new Season or expansion makes its approach without spoiling everything that’s coming. With just a week to go before launch, we’ve almost reached our destination.
Our Beyond Light Launch Trailer went live last week. A ViDoc, exploring Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt, is available for your viewing pleasure. We’ve released our Season of the Hunt calendar to help you plan out your days for the next few months.
All that’s left is a quick preview of patch notes and a maintenance timeline. After that, we leave the rest to you.
Over the last few weeks, our goals have been to set expectations. We’ve covered the Destiny Content Vault, upcoming Sandbox changes, Gambit tuning, and more. These updates aren’t mind-blowing or overly game changing, they’re just nice little morsels to chew on in the final days leading up to launch. In any case, we hope you like the following quality of life appetizers before your meal is delivered on November 10.
Beginning November 10, two new kiosks will be available in the Tower. First up, the Quest Archive will be found next to the Postmaster. Our hope is that this removes some of the confusion when trying to track down the odd quest that you previously discarded. Additionally, this will be the place for any veteran players to pick up the New Light Quest on November 10, if they have a strong desire to experience new player tutorials and the (re-)introduction to the Cosmodrome.
Next up, the Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive will be found by the Vault. Here, players may acquire various Exotics and Legendary Pinnacle/Pursuit weapons that were once available through now-retired quests. As many of these Exotics were tied to lengthy quests or difficult objectives, we wanted to make sure their prices reflected those previous efforts. Players will need an amount of Glimmer, destination materials, masterworking materials, and an Exotic Cipher or Ascendant Shard in order to purchase the Exotic or Legendary which they desire. We’re also introducing a currency, Spoils of Conquest, which can only be acquired when completing raids. This currency will be required for Exotics previously tied to Vaulted raids.
In the past, Exotic Ciphers were very limited in nature. While you can expect one to be available as part of the Season Pass, Xur will also offer a quest to earn one Exotic Cipher on a weekly cadence.
Now, let's move on to some traditional patch notes...
Player Identity
Character Creation
A few Sandbox changes that we missed in our Sandbox preview
Before we end our patch note preview, we do want to call out the collectors among you who have been talking about the impending removal of Expired Ramen Coupons from your inventories. We know this one stings a bit. It’s a byproduct of us cleaning up inventory systems and doing general maintenance.
We want to a provide a parting gift before these coupons are tossed into the bin. These coupons can’t be redeemed for spicy ramen, but they can decorate your desktop for as long as you desire.
…and there we have it. Full patch notes will be released on Tuesday around launch time. Stay tuned!
Starting November 9, upgrade your arsenal of collectibles and gifts at Bungie Store with new exclusive products and free in-game emblems with purchase, including the Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack!
Cosmic Alignment (Available November 9 through December 4, 2020)
Between Stars (Available November 9 through February 9, 2021)
Shattered Harmony (Available November 9 with purchase of Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack)
Follow @BungieStore on Twitter for more deals and discounts to be announced every Friday in Novembrrrr from The Drifter, The Exo Stranger and Variks.
Next Monday, November 9, Destiny 2 will go offline for an extended maintenance period. We want to give everyone ample time to download Destiny 2 Update 3.0.0. Our teams are prepping for the launch day assault on our servers. Destiny Player Support has the full timeline for maintenance, downloads, and more. Read up, spread the word, and get ready for Beyond Light.
This is their report.
Before we kick off a new year of Destiny content, we have a final round for Movie of the Week. 2020 isn’t over yet, but we’ve had a blast watching community-created content throughout Shadowkeep and its associated Seasons. Many thanks to those who’ve submitted their footage (and art!), as it’s kept us sane week over week.
Here are your final Movie of the Week selections before Beyond Light brings some Darkness to the table.
Movie of the Week: Thanks, Taken!
Movie of the Week: Festival of the Lost, Parting Shot
Movie of the Week: Give ‘em a hand
Movie of the Week: SEVENTH COLUMN!!! ...AND ANOTHER ONE!
Movie of the Week: It isn’t over until it’s over
Next week, we’ll have a new companion section for Movie of the Week. We felt it important to give the same spotlight to the artists of our community as we’ve been giving to those who create fun videos.
To throw your hat in the ring, submit your content to the Community Creations portal on Bungie.net. If you also post your content to social media, tag it with #DestinyMOTW or #DestinyArt. We’ll snag a few winners each week and grant them some fancy new emblems.
We’ve been here a few times. What was once months became weeks. Weeks have become mere days. Five more sleeps stand between you and Beyond Light. Well, that’s if you can even sleep the night before launch. I know I probably won’t. Many of you have been on this journey with us from the start. In the last year, numerous Guardians have begun their journey through New Light. No matter how long you’ve been a Guardian, we can’t thank you enough for playing.
Stay hydrated. Be healthy. Treat yourself well.
We’re almost there.
See you starside.
Every release, we have a long conversation about what we should show players leading up to launch, and what we should leave for players to discover. We want to build up the sense of wonder as a new Season or expansion makes its approach without spoiling everything that’s coming. With just a week to go before launch, we’ve almost reached our destination.
Our Beyond Light Launch Trailer went live last week. A ViDoc, exploring Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt, is available for your viewing pleasure. We’ve released our Season of the Hunt calendar to help you plan out your days for the next few months.

All that’s left is a quick preview of patch notes and a maintenance timeline. After that, we leave the rest to you.
It’s All in the Patch
Over the last few weeks, our goals have been to set expectations. We’ve covered the Destiny Content Vault, upcoming Sandbox changes, Gambit tuning, and more. These updates aren’t mind-blowing or overly game changing, they’re just nice little morsels to chew on in the final days leading up to launch. In any case, we hope you like the following quality of life appetizers before your meal is delivered on November 10.
Beginning November 10, two new kiosks will be available in the Tower. First up, the Quest Archive will be found next to the Postmaster. Our hope is that this removes some of the confusion when trying to track down the odd quest that you previously discarded. Additionally, this will be the place for any veteran players to pick up the New Light Quest on November 10, if they have a strong desire to experience new player tutorials and the (re-)introduction to the Cosmodrome.

Next up, the Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive will be found by the Vault. Here, players may acquire various Exotics and Legendary Pinnacle/Pursuit weapons that were once available through now-retired quests. As many of these Exotics were tied to lengthy quests or difficult objectives, we wanted to make sure their prices reflected those previous efforts. Players will need an amount of Glimmer, destination materials, masterworking materials, and an Exotic Cipher or Ascendant Shard in order to purchase the Exotic or Legendary which they desire. We’re also introducing a currency, Spoils of Conquest, which can only be acquired when completing raids. This currency will be required for Exotics previously tied to Vaulted raids.

In the past, Exotic Ciphers were very limited in nature. While you can expect one to be available as part of the Season Pass, Xur will also offer a quest to earn one Exotic Cipher on a weekly cadence.
Now, let's move on to some traditional patch notes...
- Trials of Osiris
- Trials of Osiris Power level requirement increased to 1210.
- Added ADEPT weapons and weapon mods to Flawless chest rewards.
- Additional information here.
- Maps
- Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Altar of Flame.
- Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Exodus Blue.
- Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Cauldron.
Player Identity
- Login screens now have a dark background.
- Updated the full-screen menus to have a dark background style.
- Player waypoints now display Season Rank, HUD waypoints.
- Added toggle functionality to the character screen, allowing the player to make a choice between Light and Dark subclasses.
- Character screen visuals updated depending on player choice between Light and Dark.
Character Creation
- Changed selection from "Male" & "Female" to "Masculine" & "Feminine."
- Guardian head and hair models have been replaced with improved versions.
- Several color swatches have been changed to better represent the applied color.
- Player’s previous head selections are still used.
- Fixed a bug that prevented online friends from showing up in the roster on Stadia for players with more than 100 friends.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented players from earning progress on bounties when joining an activity in progress.
- This most notably impacted Iron Banner bounties and could cause players to have their Artifact Power bonus enabled during Iron Banner matches.
A few Sandbox changes that we missed in our Sandbox preview
- Traveler's Chosen
- Reduced muzzle flash intensity.
- Point of the Stag
- Increased Point of the Stag's Max Power Level to 1310.
- Divinity
- Fixed a bug that prevented some weapons from dealing precision damage to the Divinity cage (e.g. Eriana's Vow).
- Hunter Dodge
- Increased Hunter's Dodge cooldown by a few seconds.
- (E.g. Tier 4, old cooldown: 22 sec. New cooldown: 26 sec.)
- Anti-Champion Mods
- Anti-barrier rounds will now penetrate Taken Phalanx shields.
- All Anti-Champion mods have been shifted to armor, rather than taking a weapon mod slot.
- Orbs of Light have been changed to Orbs of Power as they can now be consumed by Light and Dark subclasses.
Before we end our patch note preview, we do want to call out the collectors among you who have been talking about the impending removal of Expired Ramen Coupons from your inventories. We know this one stings a bit. It’s a byproduct of us cleaning up inventory systems and doing general maintenance.
We want to a provide a parting gift before these coupons are tossed into the bin. These coupons can’t be redeemed for spicy ramen, but they can decorate your desktop for as long as you desire.

…and there we have it. Full patch notes will be released on Tuesday around launch time. Stay tuned!
With a new expansion coming next week, we also have a fresh update coming to Bungie Store! We’re entering the holiday season, so it’s a pretty good time to start gift shopping for your favorite Guardians out there in the world.
Starting November 9, upgrade your arsenal of collectibles and gifts at Bungie Store with new exclusive products and free in-game emblems with purchase, including the Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack!
Cosmic Alignment (Available November 9 through December 4, 2020)

Between Stars (Available November 9 through February 9, 2021)

Shattered Harmony (Available November 9 with purchase of Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack)

Follow @BungieStore on Twitter for more deals and discounts to be announced every Friday in Novembrrrr from The Drifter, The Exo Stranger and Variks.
Let’s Talk Maintenance and Pre-Loads

This is their report.
Next Monday, maintenance for Update will begin. Below is a timeline of events:
- November 9, 3:30 PM PST (2330 UTC): Background maintenance for Update will begin.
- November 9, 4:00 PM PST (0000 UTC): In preparation for downtime, players will be removed from activities and will be required to download a small update before logging in again.
- November 9, 6:50 PM PST (0250 UTC): Sign-on for Destiny 2 will be disabled.
- November 9, 7:00 PM PST (0300 UTC): Destiny 2 will be brought offline for expected maintenance. Players will be removed from activities and won't be able to log back into Destiny 2 until 9 AM PST on November 10.
- November 10, 9:00 AM PST (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Update will be available across all platforms and regions. Players will be able to log back into Destiny 2.
- November 10 12:00 PM PDT (2000 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.
For more information, please visit our Destiny Server and Update Status help article.
BEYOND LIGHT PRE-LOAD Pre-load for Update will be available prior to the game’s release. Below are pre-load timelines and instructions based on platform:
PlayStation Beginning on November 8 after 8 PM PST (0400 UTC), users can start pre-downloading Update by:
- Navigating to Destiny 2
- Pressing the “Options” button
- And selecting “Check for Updates”
In an effort to decrease server load, some PlayStation Plus users may be able to pre-download Update starting on November 7 after 8 PM PST (0400 UTC) if they have auto update/download enabled on their PlayStation 4. For instructions on how to setup auto update/download, please click here.
Xbox Pre-load for Xbox will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC) on November 9. For instructions on how to setup auto update, please click here.
PC Pre-load for PC will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC) on November 9. Update should automatically be put in the Steam download queue once it is available to pre-load. For more information on managing Steam downloads and updates, please click here.
STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Below are the updated storage requirements for Beyond Light:
Platform Destiny 2 Install Size Storage Space Needed for Installation Xbox Series X|S 65.7 GB 65.7GB PlayStation 5 70.78 GB 70.78 GB PlayStation 4
70.78 GB 171.68 GB* Xbox One 65.7 GB 65.7 GB PC 69.7 GB** 186.2 GB***
* PlayStation 4: Includes current installed version of Destiny 2 (100.9 GB) + Update pre-load (70.78 GB) = 171.68 GB
** PC: Destiny 2 Install Size may vary based on languages installed, size shown is maximum size possible *** PC: Includes current installed version of Destiny 2 (up to 116.5 GB) + Update pre-load (up to 69.7 GB) = 186.2 GB
With the start of Year 4 and the introduction of the Destiny Content Vault on November 10, certain items will be deprecated from player inventories that correspond with Vaulted destinations, activities, and campaigns.
Players should review our help articles on items being deprecated at the start of Year 4 and items being removed at the end of Season of Arrivals for more information on items, quests, and currencies that will be removed from player inventories at the start of Year 4. Some items listed can be used or turned in for rewards, such as Glimmer, weapons, and armor, so be sure to do that before November 10.
Additionally, certain Titles will become Legacy Seals and unavailable to earn at the start of Year 4. Players should be sure to equip the following Titles before November 9 at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC), after which they will be unavailable to earn. For more information, please visit our Year 4 Triumphs Update help article.
Seal Title A Shadow Rises Shadow Reckoner Reckoner Black Armory Blacksmith Destinations Wayfarer Lore Chronicler Undying Undying Dawn Savior Almighty Almighty Arrivals Forerunner Moments of Triumph 2020 MMXX
With the release of Beyond Light on November 10, certain Bungie Rewards will no longer be available to earn. These include the ‘Eclipse Sunset’ and ‘Sunset’ emblems, the Year of Shadowkeep Artifact Coins, the Moments of Triumph t-shirt, the Raid Ring, the Prophecy Dungeon Hoodie, the MMXX Seal, and the Forerunner Seal.
Players should be sure to earn these rewards by November 9 at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC) and claim these rewards from the Bungie Rewards page before November 13 at 8 AM PST (1600 UTC).

Before we kick off a new year of Destiny content, we have a final round for Movie of the Week. 2020 isn’t over yet, but we’ve had a blast watching community-created content throughout Shadowkeep and its associated Seasons. Many thanks to those who’ve submitted their footage (and art!), as it’s kept us sane week over week.
Here are your final Movie of the Week selections before Beyond Light brings some Darkness to the table.
Movie of the Week: Thanks, Taken!
Movie of the Week: Festival of the Lost, Parting Shot
Movie of the Week: Give ‘em a hand
Movie of the Week: SEVENTH COLUMN!!! ...AND ANOTHER ONE!
Movie of the Week: It isn’t over until it’s over
OMG can someone explain this please?!?! Like wtf just happened🤷♂️🤷♂️ @A_dmg04 @Gladd @BungieHelp @Xbox pic.twitter.com/aYNfaeG7WM
— TG DuAc (@TGDuAc1) November 2, 2020
Next week, we’ll have a new companion section for Movie of the Week. We felt it important to give the same spotlight to the artists of our community as we’ve been giving to those who create fun videos.
To throw your hat in the ring, submit your content to the Community Creations portal on Bungie.net. If you also post your content to social media, tag it with #DestinyMOTW or #DestinyArt. We’ll snag a few winners each week and grant them some fancy new emblems.
We’ve been here a few times. What was once months became weeks. Weeks have become mere days. Five more sleeps stand between you and Beyond Light. Well, that’s if you can even sleep the night before launch. I know I probably won’t. Many of you have been on this journey with us from the start. In the last year, numerous Guardians have begun their journey through New Light. No matter how long you’ve been a Guardian, we can’t thank you enough for playing.
Stay hydrated. Be healthy. Treat yourself well.
We’re almost there.
See you starside.