about 1 month ago - /u/Destiny2Team - Direct link

Over the last few weeks, Guardians have discovered an interesting little bug that came about with Heresy's launch. On the backend, we shifted to a new way of creating weapons and rewards to help streamline some of the development process. While moving into this new paradigm, class lockouts for the Exotic Glaives and a handful of Swords were mistakenly removed.

We've been seeing some great celebrations with the removal of these constraints. Our first reactions were focused more towards fixing the issue as we want to retain strong class-based fantasies within Destiny, and the removal of class locks muddies the water a bit. As an example, it's a bit weird to see a Warlock or a Hunter spawning a mini-bubble or seeing a Titan running like a ninja. After some discussions between team members, we've arrived at a new decision: we're going to let this ride. A fun example of a bug becoming a feature.

Here's a quick list of notes taken from the conversation:

  • Animations may look a bit weird given that the class-based Swords are a bit older, and this can create fun opportunities for players to create videos, art, or other based on classes in different stances.
  • Class-based Glaives open up some interesting new buildcrafting opportunities. In the future, we will be keeping a close eye on how these Glaives are performing across all three classes. Our goal is to ensure that they feel most powerful on the class they were originally designed for.
  • The core of the feedback for the Quickfang and Goldtusk Swords revolves around player fantasies of being a ninja or sword master, so we're going to use this feedback to inspire future animations. No promises on timelines or anything like that, but this gives us some fun creative spaces to work with for Titans and Warlocks.

Many thanks to all players who have been giving feedback after discovering the issue. While we won't always look at weird bugs and decide to support them as a feature, this felt appropriate!

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