@marchriska Hi there! Could you please submit a ticket to Customer Care so our support team can identify your account and look into what happened? Thank you.
@tinycaitt It loos A-mazing! 🤩✨
@jakespoorthing Hiya! Thanks for reaching out and sharing your suggestion, be sure we'll forward it to our team 😊💜
@eariine Hi, there. Don't worry, they'll come soon enough. Stay tuned to find out more 😊
@jerriies_ Congrats!! 🎉💜
@valee_me Fixes will be coming soon. Thanks a ton for you patience! 🤗
@CharizardSnow Thanks for sharing this with us, Justine! More fixes will be coming soon!
@PhilippineBouv2 Hello there! We understand your frustration and rest assured that our team is working on fixing these soon enough so please bear with us. Thanks a ton for all your support!
@NickyDBruin Hey, Nicky! We're super happy you're enjoying the game. Considering your issue, rest assured that our team is looking into it! Thanks for all the support!
@quipquest Hello, Garrett! The team is aware of this and it will be soon fixed. Thanks for understanding!
@Skylinemew Ooopsy, and keen eye you got there 👀
@sarahlwhitfield Hiya! Thanks for letting us know about this, we're already working on this and we'll provide a fix soon 😊
@sylvivalyi Hiya! Please know that we are aware of this issue and we are working on fixing it. 😊
@loserr6969 Hiya. Thanks for reaching out. We are aware of this issue, and we are working on fixing it.
@Jenny30790 We are sorry to hear that! Rest assured that the team is actively working on further optimizations so that everyone has the best play experience possible. Thank you for being patient!
@GennyWave Hiya, Genny. We are aware of an issue that causes Memory Shards to get stuck in various game objects, like walls, furniture, doors, etc. We are working on fixing them.
@BSteinamann Hi there! We are aware that some users are still affected by crashing issues and we are working on it, we apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for being patient and stay tuned to our page for more updates! 😊
@vincentliebert1 We understand your frustration and appreciate the patience and support! Rest assured that the update will be coming soon enough! 😉
@xToXicBeAutYx Noted, Michelle! 🤓
@hillarinthia Good one, Hillary! 💜