12 months ago - Ice Forge - Direct link
Just to clarify a bit about what your actually referring to as there is a couple of different impact points where as "Calorie Consumption" is in regards to.

- Driving vehicles (HumanPowered is considered for any vehicle not using "Fuel".
- The passive calorie usage over time (the one that ticks once every 30s for your level multiplier).
- Calories used by specific tools.
- The multiplier for applying sprint/run effect.
- Calories applied to Labor

The calories used for vehicles, tools and labor can be applied and edited in their specific type and use case and we don't have a global modifier for this yet as it has a lot of different impacts and making all of these special case conditions take lot of maintenance as we scale or rework the project internals where we do work towards extending more settings as they make sense or are requested some are just not available at the moment.
12 months ago - Ice Forge - Direct link
All labor is used per recipe specifically so that would need to be adjusted for each specific part.
However inside each of the profession specialty scripts you have an array of values that are representing the multiplier reduction for calorie % bonus towards labor.

So if you were to override the specific skills it would limit the amount of overrides you would need to only those instead of every single recipe.
Mods/Core/AutoGen/Tech is where you can find these .cs files (follow mod override procedures )

The piece that needs to be altered is these values where the right numbers are the deductive
of the default value at 1, these go from level 0 to level 7 (so first is no reduction, second is 1 - 0.2f meaning 20% calorie reduction and so on)

public static MultiplicativeStrategy MultiplicativeStrategy =
new MultiplicativeStrategy(new float[] {
1 - 0.2f,
1 - 0.25f,
1 - 0.3f,
1 - 0.35f,
1 - 0.4f,
1 - 0.45f,
1 - 0.5f,
12 months ago - Ice Forge - Direct link
Originally posted by Enel: I am looking for the possibility to adjust the consumption of the tools or tables. That would help me. For example, one should consume 50% more calories with the Pickaxe or at the Sawmill or other places. We have the paradoxical case that we don't need a calorie reduction through the levels but rather an increase because there is currently too much food supply for too little demand. Everything is moulding away or you have little to do as a cook.

That would be the aforementioned Multiplicative demand, if you change those values out this will translate into the calorie impact multiplier for the Calorie to labor shift, so if you change the base value to say 1.5 then all calorie cost of all tables are gonna be 50% higher but we dont have a common denominator for doing a global impact change natively.

Hope this answers the question.