over 2 years ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
There is no publicly available statistics about this. White-Tiger has indeed for a long while uncontestedly been the most populated server based on rough player numbers (if you ignore short-term streamer servers that vanish after a cycle until the game is streamed again, noone can beat those), but it is an official server and as such has an advantage over community servers due to higher visibility and professional support. I can obviously not say how popular it actually is aside of that, as you can hardly make statistics about that in numbers, but we have managed to create a great community around it, that nowadays is embedded into the general Eco community and serves every player by trying to make the most out of what Eco can do while incorporating as many different playstyles as compatible with the server as possible. And as a server admin that is all that counts for me.

If you were to choose a server, I would recommend to not go by population, though. It depends on what people like. White-Tiger simulates a real-life society that goes beyond what Eco does and creates a bit of a 'metaverse' around it. That is cool for many people, but many prefer the flexibility and freedom you get on other servers and would not have a lot of fun on there. So I'd say it really depends on what the servers offer, what players like and what you want. Well-organized servers typically don't try to win a popularity or population contest, but try to offer unique gameplay different from other servers. Unique concepts are far more interesting than just having a lot of people around. And a lot of people around also has its negatives. White-Tiger is nowdays limiting the player numbers for the sake of stability, as you don't get a good feeling with 175+ players online, given Eco just can't support these numbers currently. It's already struggling around the hundred with our law setup. We hence decided to no longer 'catch records' long ago, but instead try to make it as lag-free as possible, which is still nearly impossible on the first few days. This sparked current development on Login Queues and Reserved Slots, though. Idle Kick is also something we'll probably take a look on.

Dad Speed is a really great server with some similar and some very different concepts from White-Tiger, so be sure to check it out :) White-Tiger is a bit of my personal project, given it was my private server before I started working at SLG, but that's why I love it when people try the many great community servers that put so much love into their servers, just as I did with White-Tiger. And Dad Speed is definitely one of those. Support the community servers, the variety of great concepts is what made Eco great for me personally and I had a total blast as a server admin in my journey from there to now working at SLG. i do hope that we can soon work on the planned Server Browser rework and "Recommended Servers", so we can highlight the coolest servers just as we do with our official ones.

Also keep in mind that White-Tiger changes balance notably from vanilla and is used as a test balloon for changes that might or might not make it into vanilla. You're basically always playtesting when playing there, which is something many people also don't like, prefering to play stable vanilla.