about 6 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
13s we got man
14s right there you go we're good hey
16s everybody welcome to the episode live
19s stream they were going to be talking
21s about 8.0 and all the cool name stuff in
24s there so I'm jump donkey I'm designer go
31s video screams whoo here we have Keegan
34s technical artist extraordinaire and
38s geology and biology enthusiast Owen and
42s Walker programmer all these built happen
46s lately yeah and you'll know me what my
48s username uh police guys cute yep
51s I know meat is followed by probably kind
56s of yeah so you know we're in the chat
62s for Facebook and which through that ask
67s questions there and even good dancers
72s yeah so to start we're going to show our
75s new biomes that we have in 8.0 you bring
80s up OBS and just make sure I love you and
82s everything is working yep
86s yeah so Keegan I'll just kind of talk us
89s through this stuff sure yeah so 8.0 is
92s going to be the start of a big roll out
94s the whole revamp of pretty much
97s everything about you goes natural world
99s and the sort of basics of that is world
103s generation and how worlds are put
105s together and then the obvious extension
108s of that is all the content inside the
110s world which is you know structured into
112s a collection of Bayan so we're basically
116s revamping you know how it all fits
119s together how it all works and adding a
121s ton of new content in that process
123s so right now Walker is the in some
126s grasslands and one thing you'll notice
128s right away is that we noticed a much
130s taller grass one of
132s goals and grasslands is that we want to
134s part of it and get the feeling of like a
137s prairie a lot of our biomes are
139s influenced or inspired by North American
142s biomes
143s so the tall grass prairie is a really
146s great inspiration for an ecosystem so
150s we're going for that there's going to be
152s the switchgrass there will also be a big
154s boost of species of grass so we're
156s really looking at each biome
157s individually and fleshing it out with
159s new plans and new animals and trees and
163s what you'll notice as well as new block
166s types so we're going to be reshuffling
169s and revamping a lot of the block types
171s that are in you go as well and one of
173s the big things that will tie into
175s eventually is mining so the room just be
178s generic stone anymore will actually have
179s different types of rock and different
181s types of ore will be hosted in their
183s post rocks and located based on those
186s rocks and that'll be a thing that
189s appears you know per biome so you'll
191s have different biomes different
193s resources to help encourage exploration
195s and this pageant 8.0 is the big start of
199s that process so you got to show you'd
208s find a lake there Walker but I'm missing
213s so one thing yeah I can mention this
216s these rivers you'll notice or a lot
219s better-looking one of the things we're
220s improving a world generation is lakes
223s and rivers the rivers now actually go
225s right up to the bank they can still form
228s in a valley but then they'll also have
229s their thanks a lot better than we were
232s River Canyon that actually
252s having the rivers go right up all the
270s different things that are going to come
272s in I think that will really improve the
275s feel of the world makes it feel more
277s like a natural you know ideally the
280s whole point of expiration fishing and
290s one of the big things on the morning
291s with this update was just have a much
293s different human place in the environment
296s so as you're moving from location to
299s location if I almost feel really
302s different planet animal define American
304s food really different like setting up a
306s town on one side of the world firstly
308s the other side of the world you're gonna
310s act upon very different thing you know
313s the minerals and resources that are only
315s accessible in certain areas and that
317s just has all these knock-on effects the
319s rest of the game too is like right now
322s in the current release you can get most
324s ores you know they're kind of spread out
326s but they're not too hard to get in terms
329s of location or is this you'll have more
331s localized places where you can only get
333s this bit to their plant in this location
335s you're gonna give this together wood or
337s this mineral so that just makes
340s transport that much more important it
341s like you're gonna want to have a little
343s village you know over by this particular
345s spot that lets you transport this other
348s from the rest of the world so yeah
353s everything to do with you going
354s we like connected into the whole system
357s of it so it's a new big expansion
360s through our ecology system but it also
362s affects the economy where you're
364s deciding where the roads were to
367s transport how to trade the advantage of
369s these resources that's one of the things
372s I like most about the
373s how much the system like overlap with
375s each other you changed something like
377s this and effect something this far away
379s is like loans from the government or
381s whatever and all kind of things like
383s that
385s let's check out the neighbor like roots
387s we have for decoration so this is the
389s the forest biome yeah yeah yeah so
392s there's an one thing that's kind of
394s interesting is we're actually splitting
396s up some biomes into multiple sub items
398s so forest for instance will have a cold
401s or expandable warm forest cold forest
404s will be like conifer forests where you
406s find for our trees the warm for us will
408s be more broadly but you know with with
411s each new biome and sub-bio we're
413s updating it for the page have their own
415s topsoil a lot of things that are pretty
488s exciting the wool that will get it
490s eventually we start of all that the
493s voyage paths asks with new plants will
496s there be new cooking recipes definitely
499s 8.0 again is going to be sort of an
503s initial push
504s lamenting all this stuff in the
505s ecosystem there's going to be a lot of
507s added uses as we go but yes absolutely
511s new plants will have new newer new items
513s and new recipes go of those items that's
516s part of the whole point is to have every
519s every species provide something to the
522s players
523s yeah we've chosen the different species
525s in the ecosystems as things that can be
528s impactful on players as well so you'll
530s be able to use the resources so much of
533s you know all your resources in the game
535s come from the environment an impact on
538s it affect everything so things like
540s recipes research will be a big one
542s you'll need to like this different
543s species for research very advanced
546s technology and crafting as well so
550s there's much for your element of
551s exploration I expect for this where you
554s have to go find some rare species or
557s plant species that have a hard time
560s growing we have orchids in the game
563s somewhere now is that earlier rex idea
568s ask any optimizations and eCos extremely
570s CPU heavy and yes we have just enabled
573s something unity made called il-2 CPP
577s which lets the game build in native C++
581s compiler which just automatically gives
583s you like a big speed bump so you can
586s thank unity for that it's going to give
588s a big boost but on our end we're also
589s planning to do a lot of optimizations
591s and just continue to make the game to
594s run better that's always something we
595s work on with each milestone someone
603s asked if it's coming to consoles
605s eventually though we don't have plans
607s for that right now but I would love to
609s get it on console someday so it's
612s something for the longer game but other
617s oh I like the grass decorations we have
619s on here so here you can see the new
621s edges you know putting a lot more visual
624s interest and it was silhouettes and
626s things it just gives a little too much
628s likelier
629s look to it I think you'll notice that an
631s 8.0
637s got a big waterfall in there that's
641s pretty nice do you handle holes in this
644s film ah there's no animals in this bill
648s that are new no however there will be
650s new animals in the in point out the
652s vaulting go house we were attending them
654s too and if there aren't them there
656s certainly will be a large amount of them
658s shortly afterwards because as we've been
662s doing the miles we've been adding new
664s animals as part of that so I can say
667s that either an 8.0 or 8.1 there will be
670s bighorn sheep for the desert that will
673s all be see what else we got there's a
676s crab for the peaches you have a mountain
679s goat the tundra and there's a few other
683s ones definitely as well for there that
685s are done or others oh there's an
688s alligator for the wetlands pretty cool
690s our first big we also are doing that
695s kind of new behaviors and revamping the
698s AI system for the animals it will do
699s more interesting stuff you'll see them
702s like eating each other eating food and
705s you know sleeping swimming you'll see
708s otters like swimming and getting in and
710s out of the water so it'll just be a lot
713s more interesting as we build up this 8.0
716s branch Kamath does the game have a
719s possible teaching guide for teachers
721s that's definitely something we're
723s planning to add so we're we're gonna be
726s creating like a dynamic curriculum that
729s sponsoring this game so if you have your
732s classroom of people playing this and the
736s game will automatically detect kind of
737s the challenges that are facing and then
739s use that or that you spawned like
741s discussion the features can move so for
743s example if they're like he's about to go
745s extinct you know the game will detect
747s that see if the players are passing laws
749s for it and kind of bring that into that
751s discussion that challenged the detention
754s of the teacher and actually turn out
756s like worksheet they can like or the
758s relationship between these species
759s wisest clinic things what can humans do
762s tie into the real world Hyneman lessons
764s so for our education side that's one of
767s our big strategies is
769s using hiko's a way to make your lessons
771s relevant like if you're learning about
773s ecology you're actually applying it in
775s this game you know as you're learning
777s about civics you're creating laws in
779s this game so it's really this chance
782s like apply what you're doing in this
783s world that has some consequence so
786s that's something we're going to be
787s focusing on a lot next year so really
789s excited about that and yeah some more to
792s come on that field
796s we've got pineapple Esau
798s yepper yeah pineapples are in progress
803s the whole rainforest is very much in
806s progress you can see those little pink
808s things that are just bigger errors yeah
812s this is an invariant progress build
814s ripped right through development there's
817s a lot of this on the way they'll light
821s catches those leaves really cool them
825s big leaves you see there the taro plant
828s also known as elephant here rex asks
838s about the skill system though that is
841s something that is coming through a doe
843s also we're having a new approach the
846s skill system will probably stream that
848s in the next couple week that might think
850s one of the next streams we have but
852s Craig is Craig's baby and the idea with
856s that is that you are choosing
859s specialties and then you level them up
861s by doing stuff related to that specialty
864s so it's kind of a blend between the
867s current skill point system and the
871s reasoning behind that is a number of
872s things first of all it lets you keep
875s your decisions about what skills you
877s want to a higher level of your choosing
879s from a set of special there's still a
880s ton of choices that you make there but
884s instead of choosing the low level like
886s within a specialty what are you
888s advancing you does advance it by doing
889s the thing and that gets rid of this no
893s problem where it was always advantageous
895s to wait until you level
897s your efficiency before you started doing
899s anything so you were kind of
901s incentivized to just wait and do nothing
903s but now the only way to level up your
905s efficiency is to do it so we lose that
907s kind of contradictory incentive that we
911s had and then along with that as you're
914s leveling up you have you gained talents
917s so each time you hit a certain level you
919s get to choose between two different
920s talents and those will make different
922s things easier so even within an
924s individual specialty you can have these
925s kind of sub specialties that you you
928s choose as you're going along and so how
931s this relates to the existing skill
933s systems it it creates its multiplier so
937s even as you're like leveling up there
940s your your skill points are affecting
944s that so it still matters a lot the food
946s you eat is still matters a lot the house
947s you have I'll check out this outcropping
950s that granite yeah that's granite so you
954s know this is there's going to be at the
956s very least granite and limestone in 8.0
958s and I'll probably not placeholders in
961s for the other rock bands of granite the
964s other rocks that are going to be coming
966s off in our sandstone meet are the
970s primary one oh can you mine it Walker
972s not in this build I just this is really
980s leading edge build right here we just
982s build it like 20 minutes ago so yeah
986s lots of stuff to add to it yeah 8.0 date
990s we haven't locked it down publicly yet
993s but expected to this year so we'll
997s probably have an announcement for that
998s soon types there yeah I see that John
1002s McFarlane is asking me getting pipes or
1003s anything like that and the answer is yes
1005s we have redone or improved pipes a lot
1010s Keegan's remade all the textures that
1012s are really metal and cool looking like
1014s malankov design and yeah so that will
1019s probably show that in a future stream I
1021s think we want to start doing weekly
1022s streams as we pull up to 8.0 that we
1024s just have so much stuff to show and I
1026s love to give you
1027s to check it out and you know see it kind
1030s of as we go and give us feedback so
1033s pipes are gonna be part of a new
1036s plumbing system you'll have to think
1038s about four houses so a number of your
1040s housing items are going to require you
1042s to add plumbing and connection to a
1046s water source in order to make them run
1049s so now you have this project we're like
1051s a village will needs to create a
1053s plumbing network in order to support it
1055s and that generates a lot of waste water
1057s as well so if you just let that waste
1058s water like flow out your back door it's
1061s gonna pollute your environment so if you
1063s want to take care of that you'll need to
1065s have this group project where you build
1067s that filtration system and you actually
1069s pump the water off to a Walter condense
1073s it into sludge and then dispose of the
1075s sludge somehow oh here's a little
1077s preview now you can see the new metal
1080s picture we got on the air and we're
1081s making a bunch of new objects that will
1082s connect with them this is the highest
1085s field field or the latest point you get
1089s to build kind of iron isn't yeah so the
1098s pipes are gonna be the pipes
1100s gameplay-wise they're they're really
1103s interesting my group project you have to
1106s have is for an individual to plumb their
1108s home its ton of work but if you do to
1112s the village it's way less work because
1114s you're all sharing that same piping so
1117s that's one of the ways to make decisions
1119s of what's implementing eco is what is
1121s going to connect the rest of the
1122s simulation what is going to require
1125s these really interesting like group
1128s projects that you have to like create
1131s laws or you have to tax people for you
1134s have to decide at the group how it goes
1136s because that's such a thing part of the
1138s game is building those regulations
1140s building fly rating with the group I
1143s think pipes will be a really great kind
1145s of concrete thing that you build it eyes
1147s and all that
1159s you need mid content plant for dirt
1162s moving shovel excavator or water
1163s improvements there are hearts that from
1165s tomorrow be communicated I know so for
1170s water improvements yeah pipes are coming
1172s kind of a water improvement how it they
1175s can create water and holy water and
1176s things like that
1178s they're moving we have a number of like
1180s inventory upgrades for how you dirt the
1183s clean air inventories or moving any item
1185s between your inventories no specific
1187s vehicles for this patch though and the
1189s transition between biomes I think that's
1192s something that you've been building
1193s right like head is kind of like great
1195s and gradient transitions well yeah I
1197s mean I think what he's asking about is
1199s is like terraforming it's like
1201s exchanging files from one to another
1203s using your own water and there's
1205s excavations and stuff like that and
1207s that's something we're thinking a lot
1209s about I think I think really our goal is
1212s that we want to be able to allow players
1214s to like change the environment enough
1216s that they can plant and grow plants
1219s where they want to based on how they're
1222s changing environment but I think part of
1224s the idea is that we don't really want
1225s people to be able to like generate old
1228s clock you like file just based on their
1231s environmental condition I think that
1233s would be disingenuous you like the whole
1235s you know struggle to preserve the file
1238s humans can really just like create an
1240s old-growth forest they can plant trees
1242s and they can when they can help one
1244s species out so I think the idea will be
1246s that we want to give players the ability
1248s expiry create the right environment for
1251s specific plants and maybe even specific
1253s like relationships like an animal in
1256s plants but you probably don't want to
1258s make it so that you can just like create
1261s something that's the exact same as a
1263s conifer forest just by like making a war
1268s forest cold or somehow we'd probably be
1270s the other way around and get an easier
1271s way to do it but you get the idea
1273s one thing though that you actually like
1275s cause climate change then you're I think
1278s the biomes start to change oh yeah yeah
1280s so on a wide scale like that you'll see
1282s like this used to be a cold porous and
1283s now it's like turn into a desert or
1285s something right yeah yeah the idea is
1287s that you
1289s pollution and warming can affect things
1292s and sort of in one direction very easily
1295s and you can have a lot of influence over
1297s where that's happening and how quickly
1299s but it's hard to make things go back the
1303s way they were great well I think we can
1309s call that a stream for now so this has
1311s been just a quick look at the name biome
1314s stuff we're gonna go get back to work on
1315s it and a bunch of other features come
1318s under 48.0 so thanks for the questions
1321s everybody if you have any other feedback
1323s get a hold of us on our discord or any
1326s of our social medias and we love to hear
1328s your feedback cool see you later yeah
1341s you