almost 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 4 years ago - Kaldorei - Direct link
Bugfixes and adjustments
- Added new title screen background.
- Threaded auto-save code to reduce stuttering while crossing the world.
- Improved multi-choices UI.
- Fixed a bug that could make the camera underground during some auto-cutscenes.
- Fixed a bug that could make some characters disappearing during auto-cutscenes.
- Reworked a few chapter 1 cutscenes / sidequests cutscenes to the auto-cutscene system.
- Fixed a bug that could make references to some textures lost after teleporting back and forth to a far point of the map.
- Fixed a bug that could make the UI appear during a cutscene sequence in between two cutscenes.
- Changed location of the "Gurrn" boss battle scene to prevent some positionning issues.
- Reduce fog effect of the "Heavy Snow" weather.
- Added an option in the game settings menu to extend controller support (if your controller is not working with the game it can make it work), activating extended controller support will disable controller specific features like rumble.
- Improved Camera Feedbacks on "Mercury" boss.
- Improved a bit loading performances by making map loading sequential instead of parallel.
- Added new dynamic events.
- Fixed a bug that was causing an infinite casting on drone missiles.
- Ambient occlusion and screen space reflections will now ignore Skin and Hair shaders (will fix some ghosting issues on those).
- Fixed cloth infinite stretching during cutscene pauses.
- Added safeties to a few UI to prevent UI stacking.
- Replaced the spell puzzle in the forest by a new puzzle.
- Fixed a softlock case on some specific battlegrid calculations in a rare case.
- Improved a few shader elements on the scenery of Elysian FIelds.
- Added new character portraits for the auto-cutscene system.
- Improved SFX overworld.