Original Post — Direct link
Hello, I will preface this by stating I am an avid roleplayer in the game and others who do not roleplay might not notice this. Previously when typing a message in the chat box, we could click out of the box, pan around, and change our camera, before returning to our message to continue typing. This is something that is very useful for those of us whole roleplay. Things such as: a new character may enter, or there may be a change in the scene that we will have to pan out camera to be able to see. Or... another example is touring a character's house. We are moving while typing out our character's response. Now as of this patch when someone starts to type a message in the chat box, and we click out of the chat box, the message is erased completely, which as you can imagine, is a very unexpected surprise. I can see where this may have been intended, as if someone is typing a message, and then finds themself in combat, and is trying to press keys to react, but is stuck in the chat box typing instead, perhaps this would prevent that. But I wanted to bring this up, to see if this was in fact intended or not. I appreciate any response on the matter. Thank you!
about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Just following up here. The team has identified the issue and is working toward a fix. Appreciate everyone's patience as we work through this.