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Hi All, this is your round-up for all of the articles shared over the last week (July 31, 2022- August 6, 2022)
Link To Article: "Tales Of Tribute's Top Players Share Their Thoughts & Strategies"
"Get tips and strategies from two of the ESO community’s top Tales of Tribute players."
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Get Ready For A Host Of Amazing ESO Livestreams At QuakeCon 2022"
"SO returns to QuakeCon to host a series of fun and informative livestreams on Twitch.tv/Bethesda."
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Experience the Sounds of the Systres w/ the High Isle Soundtrack"
"The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Official Soundtrack is now available from digital retailers and streaming services."
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Crown Store Showcase- August 2022"
"Prepare to plunge into the Lost Depths with these new and returning items coming to the Crown Store in August."
Forum Conversation
Forum post for: "Server First For Dreadsail Reef- PC NA"
"Congrats to Team Limit, PC-NA's first group that defeated the Dreadsail Reef Trial on veteran hard mode, with no team member deaths during a speed run, and earned the Swashbuckler Supreme title! 👏 Give them a hearty congrats!"
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Tales Of Tribute's Top Players Share Their Thoughts & Strategies"
"Get tips and strategies from two of the ESO community’s top Tales of Tribute players."
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Get Ready For A Host Of Amazing ESO Livestreams At QuakeCon 2022"
"SO returns to QuakeCon to host a series of fun and informative livestreams on Twitch.tv/Bethesda."
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Experience the Sounds of the Systres w/ the High Isle Soundtrack"
"The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Official Soundtrack is now available from digital retailers and streaming services."
Forum Conversation
Link To Article: "Crown Store Showcase- August 2022"
"Prepare to plunge into the Lost Depths with these new and returning items coming to the Crown Store in August."
Forum Conversation
Forum post for: "Server First For Dreadsail Reef- PC NA"
"Congrats to Team Limit, PC-NA's first group that defeated the Dreadsail Reef Trial on veteran hard mode, with no team member deaths during a speed run, and earned the Swashbuckler Supreme title! 👏 Give them a hearty congrats!"
Forum Conversation