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This is the official discussion thread for, "Restore The Glory Of Umaril With The New Unfeathered Crown Crates"
"Honor the legendary Ayleid sorcerer-king with the shining items and collectibles found within the upcoming Unfeathered Crown Crates."
Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in the Unfeathered Crown Crates:
Radiant Apex Rewards:
[*] Ahz-m'Athra
[*] Legion Zero Sabre Cat
[*] Auroran Polychrome Wolf
Apex Rewards:
[*] Dwemerdelve Scavenger
[*] Legionnaire's Recall
[*] Constellation Projection Apparatus
[*] Umaril's Radiance Elk
[*] Umaril's Radiance Guar
[*] Umaril's Radiance Senche
[*] Umaril's Radiance Wolf
[*] Lich
Legendary Rewards:
[*] Hoardwalker Body Marks
[*] Telvanni Master Wizard
[*] Meridian Mote
[*] Throne of the Lich
[*] Soul Crystals of the Returned
[*] Crown Crafting Motif 35: Dro-m'Athra Style
[*] Crown Crafting Motif 72: Meridian Style
[*] Duskfall Welwa
[*] Khenarthi's Windwalker
[*] Unfeathered Greatsword
[*] Unfeathered Bow
[*] Unfeathered Mace
[*] Unfeathered Shield
[*] Unfeathered Staff
[*] Do'Krin Ascetic's Henna
[*] Glowgill Guarhide
Epic Rewards:
[*] Bright Lady's Baubles
[*] Coldharbour Corruption Eyes
[*] Steadfast Society Ball Domino
[*] Handy Pocket Scrib
[*] Sapphire Knighting
[*] Wayrest Party Incident
[*] Hoardwalker Face Marks
[*] Household Shrine, Meridian
[*] Braided Tresses
[*] Scavenger Legion Helm
[*] Fighter's Guild Blade Barrel
[*] Indigo Twilight Camel
[*] Abyssal Tomeshell
[*] Chromatic Scorpion
[*] Evermore Painter's Moth
[*] Heartland Coon Cat
[*] Nenalata Ayleid Wolf Pup
Superior Rewards:
[*] Ayleid Body Ruinmarks
[*] Cathay Baandari Body Brand
[*] Swaying Skeleton Body Art
[*] Ayleid Face Ruinmarks
[*] Cathay Baandari Face Brand
[*] Swaying Skeleton Face Art
[*] Dreugh Queen Cuirass
[*] Dreugh Queen Gauntlets
[*] Dreugh Queen Greaves
[*] Dreugh Queen Helm
[*] Dreugh Queen Pauldrons
[*] Dreugh Queen Sabatons
[*] Balmora Constrictor
[*] Biscuit Bear-Dog
[*] Brindle Bear Cub
[*] Duskfall Ancestor Lizard
[*] Faun Fawn
[*] Sterling Cavy