

17 Mar

Hey everyone, we did experience some malicious activity targeting our servers earlier tonight that caused the temporary disruption mentioned in this thread. We have made adjustments on our end to address this threat. Please note that you may experience some decreased game performance while these adjustments are in place. We will continue to monitor for any malicious activity, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

11 Mar

For what it's worth, we do our best to ensure that all really critical info is mirrored here as well as on our official social media channels. We aim to reach our players where the majority are, when outside of the game. (And consider preferences for social media versus forums versus Reddit, etc.)
Hello! Our Encounters team would like to look into this. Could you all let us know which trash mobs you're noticing this behavior with, and where you were in the dungeon when it happened? Thanks!
As @spartaxoxo mentioned (thank you!), we did recently launch our ESO Bluesky and are adding it to the end of our articles moving forward.

10 Mar

Thanks for the report @licenturion - we're looking into this.
Since ESO Direct is on the 10th "available on the 10th of April" is not the same as "sometime after the ESO direkt". Or do you mean right after the ESO direct.
On April 10 sometime following the ESO Direct. (Depending on when they go up in the store after the livestream and what timezone you're in, I guess it could be April 11th.)
Hi everyone. We realize the "after console launch" detail for when the Fallen Banners dungeons will be available for purchase in the Crown Store was a bit vague. At the time, we were still firming up dates for our ESO Direct. We can confirm that the dungeons will be available in the Crown Store for purchase on April 10 sometime after the ESO Direct. This is part of the transition period as noted in Matt Firor's message and we'll talk about more details during the upcoming ESO Direct.
I deleted the Elder Scrolls Online folder in my Documents because I thought it was the best way to check if the problem was with the game or my side. I deleted the entire folder, and now everything is working fine!
Okay that's good. One of our Engineers noted that your user settings file is in that folder, too, so it also could have been something with those. We're glad that worked for you!
I deleted the Elder Scrolls Online folder in my Documents, and everything is working fine now. Maybe there was some incompatibility with an addon? Not sure... I'll try to figure it out and update my post.
Thanks for letting us know! It's possible - sometimes we do see issues with addons on launch day. What folder did you delete? The addons one?
@abkam could you try completely restarting your game client, log back in, and try again to see if it fixes the issue?

04 Mar

Just letting you all know we see this and have passed it along to our content design team. :smile:

03 Mar

I think you really underestimate the kind of connection, familiarity, and recognition value that people have with these structures. Not "it's kind of a castle", but the specific layout of a Cyrodiil keep - walls with main gate, inner keep, entrance hall, back hall, upstairs, exactly like in Cyrodiil. One of the smaller keeps or - even better, because not as big - an outpost would be really nice, even if you can't bash them to pieces. You rarely destroy most of an outpost anyway. Imho. :)
There is definitely some worry internally that if we were to create a player home based on a known Cyrodiil keep or outpost and it didn't have the destructible functionality, that it wouldn't go over well. So this is helpful to know. Thank you!

21 Feb

I am not sure if this caught your attention but the issue you describe is not only from Rush of Agony or other "pull" sets but also from Knockbacks and Knockups like Meteor and Templar Aedric Spear to mention some examples. What my guild and multiple other guilds have realized as that the described behaviour only happens when the person does not break free fast enough. Therefore I do not think changing the location of the Pull is gonna change anything to be completely honest.. Greetings Scy
Yep, you're right Scy and we're aware. Any movement-related skill (blink, leaps, charges, etc.) can be affected in unintended ways when the data being sent between the server and the client is impacted. That's why the one example mentioned wouldn't be a catch-all solution, and why we're still talking through solutions.
Hi everyone. We’ve had some conversations yesterday about this discussion, the Rush of Agony set, and the more recent community concerns and reports. This also included consideration for the overall feedback since we released the set. To give a little background, all movement-type actions and skills, including pulls, have the potential to be impacted by variables including character movement speed and position, high ping, the amount of data being sent between the server and the client, and anything that negatively impacts server and client latency (including attacks by bad actors). What this can result in with any pull-type action or skill, not just the Rush of Agony set pull, is cases where the client thinks the target is in one spot and the server thinks it’s in another. One of the reasons this has been surfacing more with Rush of Agony is due to how popular the set is – more people using the set creates more opportunities for the pull to be impacted. We have some work in progress ... Read more

20 Feb

As a quick update, we're still gathering info for the follow-up post we mentioned we'd share today. We'll have something for you all tomorrow. Thank you for the patience. :)
Hey everyone, we did experience some malicious activity targeting our servers that caused the temporary disruption mentioned in this thread. We have made adjustments on our end to address this threat. Please note that you may experience some decreased game performance while these adjustments are in place. We will continue to monitor for any malicious activity, and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hey all, we're looking into this. Thank you for your patience.
Hey all, we just added a clarifying edit to our Midyear Mayhem event article including the info you see below. We did confirm that things are working as they should with Tel Var bonuses for the event and that this is how it's always worked, but we recognize that not all the details were in the article. They are now. Thank you for making us aware.
Please note that Tel Var Stone earnings are increased by 100% from all non-player sources with the following exceptions:
  • Small, Medium, and Large Tel Var Satchels you get from the daily quests
  • Treasure Scamp Satchels
  • The Parcel of Tel Var Stones obtained from Pelinal's Boon Boxes
aw dang... went back to this to grab the link to that video, and I see the video was moderated away... making me look through my history, for shame!
Nope. We removed the video you're referencing because someone created it using Gina's voice and likeness without her permission, out of context, and with the intent to be misleading. That is not okay.
Hey all, we wanted to provide some additional context and clarification. Firstly, intentionally pulling enemy player characters through solid objects in the game is not intended or desired behavior. The way the Rush of Agony item set currently works, there is a chance of the issue described in this thread happening on accident from normal use in PvP situations, especially where both the caster and target are very mobile. It's more likely that this happens on accident from normal use than deliberate exploit - and we have no way to prove one versus the other. In situations like this where an issue is happening both on accident and intentionally, we cannot ban players for it. Too many "innocent" players will be caught in the cross fire. We are discussing options to fix the root problem, and will follow up tomorrow. Thank you all and have a good evening.