Original Post — Direct link
Title. Reported in Week 3 of PTS but didn't get fixed. Not even in the "known issues" section of the notes which leads me to believe that no one read the PTS bug report post. GLS is not buffing Graverobber nor Animate Blastbones. @ZOS_Kevin are we worthy of communication now that it's hit live? Or do Necro players still deserve the silent treatment? The least you could've done is added this to the "Known Issues" section. That would've been good communication.
about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
So a few updates here. As of U40, Synergies are not considered class abilities. So Graverobber does not interact with GLS.
Fixed an issue where some synergies were considered to be class abilities, while others were not. They will now only be considered synergies and will not inherit specific bonuses or interact with class abilities or class skill lines.
As for Animate Blastbones. We have this bugged from during the PTS cycle. It was not fix with this update, but the team has the bug documented and is actively working on a fix. When we have timing available, we'll follow up.