

10 Mar

Are you by chance using Votan's minimap addon? We've found this was causing an issue much like you're describing.
Hi Gina, battleground. I am on PC Eu
Thanks! Do you have any addons running? If so, could you try disabling all of them and see if that resolves the issue? Given today is a major update, broken addons are a frequent cause.
These 3 things are not included in update 45 for costumes so do not destroy them out of your inventory! Kollopi Essence Pirate Disguise Shadowsilk Gem For some reason these 3 thing were not included into costumes. There may be more these are just the thing I have in my inventory that didn't make the patch. So be careful you do not destroy them from your inventory.
Kollopi and Shadowsilk are not included in the list of items converted to collectibles. As for Pirate Disguise, do you mean Blackheart Pirate Armor? If so, that should be in your collectibles.
Appreciate all the info! We'll look into this.
Thanks! Are you getting any sort or error message or crash reporter? Does it crash to desktop or login?
Hi @Cast_El, does BG mean battlegrounds or background, like at the character select screen?

06 Mar

Honestly, I’m pretty excited about the summit. Even with an outline, I’ve never attended one before so I’m curious to see how it operates. And geeking out about guilds is something I got wrapped up in fairly early in ESO. I’m curious to hear from other GMs, especially those who, like above, have experience in other MMOs. ESO has been my first and only MMO experience so I have no comparison. I’m also supremely curious to see how the representation looks. It feels like PC gets a ton of attention and conversation on the forum as it also seems a majority of forum participants are PC. But I’m on console and without ads-ons (which I know will be coming to us eventually now), running a large successful trading guild on my server is a very different life experience in some ways than it is for PC GMs. “They not like us” LOL I think it’ll be neat sharing experiences/tips/ideas from across the aisle, so to speak. Looking forward to it! So much so my dorky self ...
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05 Mar

Hello o/ Um I am unsure of where to ask this so I'll ask here, are we allowed to change our primary guild we submitted to the secondary one or no? Also thank you so much
For our purposes, it doesn't really matter. So you're fine! DragonRacer;c-8275106
Do you want us to submit questions in advance? It seems like there are too many guilds included for everyone's question to be answered if we're trying to type them in real time.
If not submitted in advance, another idea - especially since we’re all being pooled together into a Discord group ahead of time - allow us to maybe put our heads together on forming questions in advance? It can still be limited to one per guild, but I imagine there could be the potential of a lot of repeat questions, which then kinda “wastes” the question slot of other guilds if they don’t bring an itemized list of potential backup questions to then scratch out as the...
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03 Mar

Hi everyone! Just to update, the rest of the invites will be going out this morning (real life got in the way...)

18 Feb

Thanks so much to everyone who was able to participate! This test allowed us to test out some new data collection tools that are in the Update 45 build, along with gathering data and metrics around disconnects during heavy combat situations (and we were even able to verify one definitive cause for getting disconnected in heavy combat). We are going to wind things down but thank you again for your help today!
Keep going, everyone! This is super helpful so far! Just play like you would on Live and keep the activity near Roebeck.
Just a heads up, we are flipping some AD-owned Keeps so the other alliances don't have to travel so far.
With Whitestrakes coming up I thought it would be nice to have some clarification, as to not risk being banned. This set is being commonly used in Cyrodiil to pull in odd ways, and I haven't seen an official response from ZoS. Is this a feature and acceptable use of the set, or does this enter the realm of exploiting and potential banning?
The use as being discussed in this thread will not get you banned. That said, we are taking a look at this set for some potential changes in the future.
Just a reminder this is starting in about 10-15 minutes! Also, be aware this is just a small, focused test just on the PTS for us to gather up some data on our end. We will do more of these, and it's not a big deal if you miss it today.

14 Feb

Will this be on Blackreach or Vengeance? Will PCNA players have their actual characters or will we need to make new ones? How long do you expect this to last, since this is right at the same time as guild trader flip on the live server so many of us will be late?
It will be on Blackreach and we will not be doing a fresh character copy (it's currently on EU) so if you normally play on NA, please leverage the PTS templates. Internally, we have this test earmarked until 4pm EST at the latest but there could be a world where it ends a little earlier.

06 Feb

Thanks all, just confirming we've seen these reports and are looking into things.

01 Feb

Hi everyone, this should be resolved momentarily!

24 Jan

Thanks for the feedback! We'll consider doing more livestreams in this type of format in the future :)

14 Dec

I really wonder what service monitoring Zos has in place. End users always seem to detect issues on all layers long before the service owner does and they can never tell if its isolated, fully down or otherwise. Their customers are the monitoring solution, no wonder their terms and conditions are so poor. At least its consistent with the poor level of service.
We have a ton of internal monitoring and the teams - including a NOC - who investigate these issues aren't always the same ones that put up forum messaging. Thank you.