about 5 years
ago -
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The Elder Scrolls Online v5.2.12 includes fixes for some memory leaks and game crashes, in addition to a fix for large groups being able to join Battlegrounds, some fixes for the Werewolf questline, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 209MB.

[*]Fixed an issue where sprinting while picking up Volundrung would cause some unintended behaviors.
[*]Fixed an issue where too many players could end up on one team in Battlegrounds.

[*]Fixed an issue where you could see through some distant mountains in the Hall of the Lunar Champion.

[*]Fixed some memory leaks that could cause crashes and degraded performance, particularly when participating in combat or in high traffic zones for long periods of time.
[*]Fixed a crash that could happen when retrieving an item from the guild bank.

[*]Hircine’s Gift:
[*]Fixed an issue where relogging while on this quest would cause you to maintain your werewolf form, but lose your werewolf abilities.
[*]Fixed an issue where using the Devour ability was not animating properly, thus causing confusion if the ability was actually activated or not.

Gamepad Mode
[*]Fixed a UI error caused by attempting to purchase the latest chapter from the Crown Store.