@TWolf1979 We are aware of several issues and working on a fix for them. If you are having difficulty logging in, can you submit a support ticket so we can troubleshoot further?
Announcing the #ESORocksOut Art Contest! 🤘
Try your hand at designing a one-of-a-kind heavy metal-themed ESO poster for a chance to win an amazing prize pack.
Ready to rock your art skills, #ESOFam? Get all the details here: https://beth.games/3CsrWTrhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEaDwkgXwAUo3hr.jpg
@baconflavortaco You just need to have some portion of an in-game screenshot incorporated into your poster. For example, if you are creating a digital drawing, you could incorporate a screenshot of your character or take a screenshot of a city then paint over it.
@UrhartF @MissKerebear The eligible countries are grouped by region so (assuming you are looking at the first section referencing the US) residents of 1 of 50 states in the US are eligible, but US territories are ineligible.
@taarente Correct! The screenshot can be of anything or from anywhere, as long as it came from something in the game. And you are welcome to adjust the colors, crop it, even paint over it. Let your creativity run wild!