about 5 years
ago -
Direct link

The Elder Scrolls Online v5.3.5 includes several crash fixes that should eliminate some of the recent crashes found in Cyrodiil and PvE areas. Also included is a fix for your Stamina not appearing to recover, invisible collision found in Morkul Stronghold, semi-transparent menus within the Crown Store, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 101.48MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] DLCs & Chapters[list]
[*] Harrowstorm
[*] Murkmire
[*] Orsinium
[*] Summerset[/list]
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Combat & Abilities[/list]
[*] Base Game[list]
[*] Art & Animation
[*] Miscellaneous
[*] Quests & Zones
[*] UI