8 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.33.2.0 allows you to utilize the "Leave Instance" functionality from the group menu while in combat once again, along with a fix for an issue found in the encounter against Exarchanic Yaseyla in Sanity’s Edge, some housing-related fixes, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 1.47GB for Xbox One and 1.2GB for Xbox Series X. Sanity’s Edge Trial
  • Frost Bomb is far less likely to pick tanks to be targeted during the fight with Exarchanic Yaseyla.
  • Fixed some visual clipping when a Khajiit character equipped the White River Braids or Color Streaked River Braids while a hat was worn.
  • The texture of the "Statue, Hermaeus Mora" furnishing is now a higher resolution.
  • Fixed an issue with the furnishing “Scrivener's Hall Vault Door” where the collision was not lining up when the door was open.
  • Fixed an issue where the trapdoor in Sweetwater Cascades was not functioning.
  • You can once again utilize the "Leave Instance" functionality from the group menu while in combat.
Gamepad Mode [list]
  • The icon indicating an item cannot be sold to a vendor will no longer appear on the “buy” tab of the vendor.