over 1 year ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi, everyone. Today we are announcing a change in our policy concerning the sharing and discussion of unofficially released information, rumors, and datamining on the official ESO forums. Starting today, all posts containing any rumors, datamined content, or otherwise unofficial, unreleased information will be a violation of our forum community guidelines and will be removed, regardless of whether the information is true or false.

You are still welcome to post suggestions, ideas, and guides related to officially released information that we have shared in articles, livestreams, interviews, on the PTS, and on our social media channels.

While we understand some will be disappointed in this decision, we have made this decision for a few reasons.
[*] We are taking proactive steps to avoid a growing trend in our industry where unofficial information, rumors, and datamining find their way to and become the focus of discussions on official game channels. These unofficial rumors often negatively impact the player base and every part of a studio, both in the short and long term.
[*] Datamined information and rumors have caused confusion and frustration for players in the past. This is especially the case when the datamined or rumored information does not match the final released content. We would like to remind everyone that nothing in a datamine or rumor is official, and we reserve all rights for what appears in an official, final release or announcement.
[*] Removing alleged rumors and datamined content from the forums will serve to protect our players from disrupting their ESO experience. Regardless of whether the rumor is true or false, removing this kind of content will help everyone to enjoy new ESO adventures to the fullest, without fear of the content and stories being spoiled.
We want to protect the hard work of our dev team from being spoiled on our official channels. Our team works months and sometimes years on game-related projects, and the last thing we want is for that hard work to be spoiled due to a datamine or rumor. If you are actioned in regards to this new change and have questions or concerns, you will need to submit a support ticket and go through the Customer Service review process. We appreciate your understanding regarding this new policy.