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PC NA got 2k ping/crashed and cant login anymore, endless login queue, 43 minutes anyone else?
22 days ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey guys,

Thank you for kindly reaching out after encountering connection trouble in Siege.

To rule out some common causes of issues I have some tips I would advise trying below:

- Ensure your PC meets all system requirements [www.ubisoft.com] for Siege.
- Try to have both the game and Ubisoft Connect and Steam on the same drive
- Add Ubisoft Connect and the game to your anti-virus/firewall whitelist
- Complete the steps in our dedicated troubleshooting guide [ubi.li]
- Ensure your network is configured [ubi.li] for the game

Should this then keep happening I would recommend to try an alternative network such as mobile hotspot.

If you have any trouble, just let us know
3 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Thanks for the pings, everyone. We are investigating the connection issues now.
3 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all, just following up here. Thank you again for flagging the connection issues. These connection issues were due to bad actors and we have taken the appropriate steps for mitigation. You may see some latency impact due to the mitigation, but wanted to make sure you were kept in the loop as we resolve this. Thanks.