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This is the official discussion thread for, "Shine Against the Darkness with the Order of the Lamp Crown Crates"
"Take up arms alongside the Mages Guild’s martial branch with the items and collectibles found in the new Order of the Lamp Crown Crates."
Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in the Order Of The Lamp Crates:
Radiant Apex Rewards:
- Mystical Quasigriff
- Altered Ornaug
- Galerion's Indrik
- Mystic Magicka Molt
- Storm Atronach
- Aether-Tempered Mystic
- Order of the Lamp Vvardvark
- Order of the Lamp Lion
- Order of the Lamp Jackal
- Order of the Lamp Destrier
- Play Glass Armonica
- Varkenel's Hat Trick
- Meteor Mining
- Prismatic Cherry Tree
- Cursed Curio Aether
- Order of the Lamp Sword
- Order of the Lamp Staff
- Order of the Lamp Shield
- Order of the Lamp Bow
- Order of the Lamp Battle Axe
- Evoker on Errantry
- Master-Wizard's Ram
- Brindle Bear
- Sunset Welwa
- Wizard About Town
- Crown Crafting Motif 81: New Moon Priest Style
- Crown Crafting Motif 41: Celestial Style
- Potion Peddler
- Syrabane Living Statue
- Apprentice's Idle Magic
- Order of the Lamp Pedestal
- Twinkling Lights, Blue
- Arcanist's Crest
- Clap Hands
- Midnight Rising Makeup
- Mages Guild Sigil Makeup
- Plumed Cavalier
- Prismatic Senche Cub
- Conjured Dragon Imp
- Ruby Haj Mota
- Eyevea Evoker's Flair
- Warlock's Veil
- Stainedwing Butterfly
- Windhelm Fox Mask
- Order of the Lamp Pauldrons
- Order of the Lamp Gauntlets
- Order of the Lamp Sabatons
- Order of the Lamp Helm
- Order of the Lamp Greaves
- Order of the Lamp Cuirass
- Sheogorat Body Branding
- Sheogorat Face Branding
- Aristocratic Astrologer Body Art
- Aristocratic Astrologer Face Art
- Magicka Everlasting Body Marks
- Magicka Everlasting Face Marks
- Eyevea Conjured Wisp
- Emerald Oak Nixad
- Sugarsnow Monkey
- Meridia-Touched Asp
- Saarthal Shepherd
- Blueblood Frog Hound Pup