Original Post — Direct link
I was on Xbox NA in Cyrodiil (Blackreach) with probably about 100 other players of all colors and the servers just kept kicking us over and over and over again. Most players just rage quit and went to bed, having the end of their weekend somewhat ruined by a game that doesn't even allow people to play it. We tried to get in many times and each time we'd play for maybe a few minutes tops and be kicked again. I went to the bank in Alinor (Summerset) and was kicked again. So this isn't even just a PVP issue apparently. The game servers for this game simply aren't functioning right now. What is the official reply from ZOS? Are you going to fix your servers or simply tell us you had a power outage again even though we know better?
about 1 month ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Just following up here. We've noticed a spike in malicious activity targeting our servers. So we made some adjustments to counter this. You may experience decreased game performance while these adjustments are in place. We’ll continue to monitor and adjust as needed. Thanks for your patience.