Original Post — Direct link
We've been in a delve, and all 3 people in a group lost connection simultaneously, can can't get back (three of us are all over the globe). Getting a variety of errors, and the ticker on login screen is "Could not retrieve announcements" for everyone. Don't see any announcements other than the "store locked" though.
about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
@ZOS_Kevin Would it be possible to the login servers back online sooner than the 12 hour mark, so that EU can log in (since the actual EU megaservers weren't directly affected by this) before the daily resets?
All of that depends on how checks go as things come back online. But to be frank, we noted in our update "that at least 12hrs" because there is the possibility it takes longer. So can't make any promises on timeline.