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I was testing out the Scorpion with a friend yesterday and we encountered a couple of issues and aren't sure if its just us or part of a larger issue. I couldn't find any mention of it here or on the forums.

We were using the Scorpion from MY ship, they didn't have their own for this test.

  1. When they are the passenger/gunner and I am not in the SRV at all they were unable to unable to modify the fire group and it said the weapons were in use by another crew member.
  2. When I was the driver and they were the passenger/gunner they were able to assign the fire groups but unable to actually fire the weapon (primary or secondary)
  3. When I was the passenger/gunner seat (regardless of where they were) I was able to fire the primary weapon but the secondary would only fire when pressing the 'toggle turret mode' button and not the secondary fire weapon.
    • I am able to fire the secondary weapon using the secondary weapon button as a driver both in drive mode and turret mode.

We are both using a Saitek X52 (from before Logitech bought them) and have the same binding layout. Their primary and secondary fire buttons work in their ship just not my SRV.

Anybody know if these are known issues?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link

Hello CMDR, please double check in your controls options that the correct inputs are registered for when you're in an SRV as well as in your ship. If there are still issues please contact us at https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us

- Vostok

almost 3 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link

Originally posted by av8rgeek

I am having the same exact problems as the OP. There is not a link to open a case at that website. What is interesting is there is a "Turrets Assigned 0/2" and "Utilities Assigned 0/1".

UPDATE: Found the problem. My friend had to map his Multi-Crew Primary/Secondary Fire, but then they wiped out his "Weapons/Primary Fire" and "Weapons/Secondary Fire".

This seems like a real problem. Thoughts u/frontier_support?

I know there were some issues recently with players multicrew/firegroup binds being wiped, but this is odd that it would be specifically a specific binding. Very odd!

Thank you for letting us know how you resolved it however! If you need any further assistance, let us know by making a ticket, here:

- CMDR Zenit

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