over 1 year ago - Herodite - Direct link
Hi There @FairyNike

This is what is commonly known as "KP Fishing" :)

The obvious premise is that the donating Party will receive a decent return on the small amount of donated KP! Some Players don't mind and just enjoy the Free KP! but others (especially those in KP Active Fellowships) tend to get rather miffed!

Of course there are a few things you can do, one of which you have already done, which is politely communicate with the Player in Question and ask them to refrain from doing this. Of course you're relying heavily on the Player being as polite in return! Should they however persist in their Hunt, the best thing to do is to keep a sharp eye on your Donations and ensure that all Chests are taken by Fellowship Members. Even if it means working outside of your swap threads and asking someone to donate a small amount that drops the Hunter out of the race!

You will find that if/when they understand they are not gaining anything, they will cease!

Fingers Crossed they get the message soon enough!

Kind Regards

over 1 year ago - Herodite - Direct link
@Jake65 Magnificent Host!!  

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