over 4 years
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@kurgkurg I can understand that for some, when you get to a certain stage, the need for PP is reduced and they just start to pile up in a players inventory gathering a bit of elven dust. So I can imagine you would prefer this to be replaced with something more meaningful to your game however, there needs to be some balance. Whilst you (and possibly other seasoned players at higher chapters) find PP ineffective in your City, there are players lower down the chain that rely on/appreciate these.
I would say there is the ability to disenchant these for Spell Fragments but I also know that you and others, have an endless supply anyway
so maybe, rather than reducing the probability of gaining PP, I could put forward the possibility of disenchanting PP for something else other than SF if they are no longer required?
Would you be open to that idea been taken forward? Of course I will take the original idea forward for you (as always) but I like to offer another avenue sometimes as well. I can't guarantee either idea being approved, but in the spirit of "balance" i'll put it to the Team that it's been suggested that PP becomes less and less required at later stages if you agree with that?
Kind Regards
I would say there is the ability to disenchant these for Spell Fragments but I also know that you and others, have an endless supply anyway
Would you be open to that idea been taken forward? Of course I will take the original idea forward for you (as always) but I like to offer another avenue sometimes as well. I can't guarantee either idea being approved, but in the spirit of "balance" i'll put it to the Team that it's been suggested that PP becomes less and less required at later stages if you agree with that?
Kind Regards